Results for: couchbase mobile 2

Workshop Content for Full-Stack Java and NoSQL Development Now Available

Workshop Content for Full-Stack Java and NoSQL Development Now Available

About a week ago I was at DevNexus 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia, giving a workshop on creating full stack applications using a variety of technologies such as Java, Angular, Docker, Couchbase, and JavaFX. Everyone who participated in the full day...

NoSQL Simplifies Database DevOps

NoSQL Simplifies Database DevOps

Does your organization want to simplify Database DevOps? Is your database becoming a bottleneck to innovate rapidly? Do you want to save millions of $$ in database licensing cost? Read on! State of Database DevOps State of Database DevOps is a survey...

Bluebird Promises and Swagger in Node.js

Bluebird Promises and Swagger in Node.js

Recently I wrote about using Node.js with Swagger to build a simple listener for the Sync Gateway changes feed. In that version I did everything using synchronous calls. I’m working to build a more complete solution, so I decided to...

Validating your Sync Gateway documents with synctos

Validating your Sync Gateway documents with synctos

When building any system with client and server components, it is critical to validate the data that the client tries to store on the server and to ensure that only those who are authorized can view or modify it. Otherwise...

New to NoSQL?  Meet N1QL!

New to NoSQL? Meet N1QL!

A few years ago NoSQL might have sounded like a alien monster, but given the advances in the technology and how modern web and mobile applications are storing and accessing data, it is and has become a critical part of...

And the #1 Job in America is…

And the #1 Job in America is…

Yesterday CNN announced the best jobs in America. With factors like median pay, job growth opportunity, and quality of life, the Mobile App Developer came in at #1. While this may be somewhat of a surprise given the ephemeral nature...

Docker-native CI/CD with Codeship Webinar – Part 1

Docker-native CI/CD with Codeship Webinar – Part 1

Laura (@rhein_wein) and I are Docker Captains. This means we demonstrate a commitment to sharing our Docker knowledge with others. Amongst other languages, she talks Ruby and Postgres and I talk Java and Couchbase. But we talk to each other using...

Labels and Constraints with Docker Daemon and Service

Labels and Constraints with Docker Daemon and Service

Metadata, such as labels, can be attached to a Docker daemon. A label is a key/value pair and allows the Docker host to be a target of containers. The semantics of labels is completely defined by the application. A new...

Syncing with Core Data

Syncing with Core Data

You've been developing your app with a Core Data stack and now you want to add the cloud component. Prompt the user to login and save all its data to the cloud to make it available on all its devices....

Installing Sync Gateway on Alternate Linux Distributions

Installing Sync Gateway on Alternate Linux Distributions

Introduction Couchbase’s Sync Gateway supports several platforms, including Linux. Unfortunately, there are a huge number of Linux distributions. It simply isn’t feasible to create and test installations for all of them. As of this writing, Couchbase distributes two packages for...

NDP Episode #13: Docker with Distributed NoSQL Databases

NDP Episode #13: Docker with Distributed NoSQL Databases

I am pleased to announce that the thirteenth episode of the NoSQL Database Podcast has been published to popular media outlets such as iTunes and Pocket Casts.  The episode titled Docker with Distributed NoSQL Databases focuses on container technology and how it...

Android Emulator Tips – Genymotion and Google Play Services

Android Emulator Tips – Genymotion and Google Play Services

I wanted to make note of a couple of quick tips for Android development around emulators. The standard Android emulator can be painfully slow. Genymotion makes a drop-in replacement that’s blazingly fast. I’ve used it for years, and highly recommend it for...