Category: Couchbase Server

Privacy Requirements Without the Headache

Privacy Requirements Without the Headache

Any modern web application that interacts with users in different localities must contend with varying privacy requirements and user data consent guidelines. These can be overwhelming for any engineering team to handle, regardless whether the team is just you or...

Get Started With Couchbase Vector Search In 5 Minutes

Get Started With Couchbase Vector Search In 5 Minutes

What is a Vector A Vector is an object that represents a real-world item as an array of floating numbers.  Each item in the real world is represented in Vector format(as an array) and has many dimensions (attributes) associated with...

Accelerate Couchbase-Powered RAG AI Application With NVIDIA NIM/NeMo and LangChain

Accelerate Couchbase-Powered RAG AI Application With NVIDIA NIM/NeMo and LangChain

Today, we’re excited to announce our new integration with NVIDIA NIM/NeMo. In this blog post, we present a solution concept of an interactive chatbot based on a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) architecture with Couchbase Capella as a Vector database. The retrieval...

Couchbase on Rails: A Guide to Introducing Dynamic and Adaptive Data to Your Application

Couchbase on Rails: A Guide to Introducing Dynamic and Adaptive Data to Your Application

Ruby on Rails is often the framework of choice for getting new projects off the ground. The speed of development and iteration is in many ways unparalleled. As such, perhaps you want to use Rails as the framework for your...

Pensando em migrar do Community Edition? Estas 4 empresas fizeram

Pensando em migrar do Community Edition? Estas 4 empresas fizeram

O banco de dados Couchbase está geralmente disponível para clientes em três variedades em nossa linha de produtos: Community Edition, Enterprise Edition e Couchbase Capella (nosso banco de dados como serviço em nuvem totalmente hospedado). Muitos de nossos clientes iniciam...

Integrating Couchbase Server with Okta: A Step-by-Step Guide to Seamless Authentication

Integrating Couchbase Server with Okta: A Step-by-Step Guide to Seamless Authentication

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on integrating Okta with Couchbase Server!  In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of setting up a secure and seamless authentication flow using Okta as the Identity Provider (IdP) and Couchbase...

Istvan Orban June 19, 2024
Unlock Single Sign-On Capabilities for Couchbase with Keycloak and SAML

Unlock Single Sign-On Capabilities for Couchbase with Keycloak and SAML

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on integrating Couchbase with Keycloak. In today’s digital environment, securing applications and managing identities efficiently is paramount. SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) and Keycloak, a versatile Identity and Access Management (IAM) tool, together form a...

Istvan Orban May 30, 2024
Querying Vectors And Things That Can Go Wrong With Them

Querying Vectors And Things That Can Go Wrong With Them

Couchbase 7.6 introduces Vector Search into the Couchbase architecture, expanding its search capabilities by leaps and bounds. This article showcases how this affects search queries, how we have to adapt in certain situations and how to efficiently use this latest...

Delivering Customer-Oriented AI Applications

Delivering Customer-Oriented AI Applications

Customer obsession is a powerful concept for any company. Whether your customers are internal or external users of your platform – every experience should be timely and meaningful. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with Customer 360 NoSQL database development is a...

Twitter Thread tl;dr With AI? Part 2

Twitter Thread tl;dr With AI? Part 2

In part 1 we saw how to scrape Twitter, turn tweets in JSON documents, get an embedding representation of that tweet, store everything in Couchbase and how to run a vector search. These are the first steps of a Retrieval...

Vector Search Performance: The Rise of Recall

Vector Search Performance: The Rise of Recall

Introducing vector search (KNN), with its distance-based similarity scoring, into the existing Search paradigm necessitated a shift in how we thought about “relevant” results and how to measure them.  Text based indexes use tf-idf as their scoring mechanism with the...

Query Graph Models With Couchbase Recursive CTE

Query Graph Models With Couchbase Recursive CTE

Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs) and Oracle’s CONNECT BY are well-known SQL constructs among RDBMS users, facilitating the delegation of complex, interdependent data structure exploration to the database layer for enhanced processing efficiency. These constructs are crucial for querying interdependent...

Binh Le May 9, 2024