Category: Analytics

What is Data Mining? Techniques, Tools, and Applications

What is Data Mining? Techniques, Tools, and Applications

What is Data Mining? Data mining is a type of data analysis that involves searching through large amounts of information to find patterns and insights. Imagine having a giant library with thousands of books, but you just need to find...

Transforming Data into Action: Power BI Connector for Real-Time Insights in Couchbase Analytics

Transforming Data into Action: Power BI Connector for Real-Time Insights in Couchbase Analytics

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Power BI Connector for Couchbase Analytics! This exciting development opens up a world of possibilities for seamlessly visualizing Couchbase Analytics JSON data directly in Microsoft Power BI.  Couchbase Analytics stores data...

Couchbase Capella iQ is Now Generally Available

Couchbase Capella iQ is Now Generally Available

We’re excited to announce the general availability of Capella iQ, our AI coding assistant for developers. iQ allows developers to interact with the Couchbase database platform using natural language conversation, making database interactions more intuitive, efficient, and accessible. Developers can...

What is Data Analysis? (Types, Methods, and Tools)

What is Data Analysis? (Types, Methods, and Tools)

Data analysis is the process of cleaning, transforming, and interpreting data to uncover insights, patterns, and trends. It plays a crucial role in decision making, problem solving, and driving innovation across various domains.  In addition to further exploring the role...

Couchbase Product Marketing December 17, 2023
Navigating Analytics in the NoSQL Era

Navigating Analytics in the NoSQL Era

NoSQL database systems have firmly established their presence for more than a decade, garnering substantial market share in the OLTP database domain. The rapid adoption of NoSQL databases for OLTP use cases can be attributed to key factors such as...

Santosh Hegde November 29, 2023
Couchbase Capella Columnar Adds Real-time Data Analytics Service

Couchbase Capella Columnar Adds Real-time Data Analytics Service

Capella’s new columnar service adds real-time data analysis to help organizations build modern, real-time adaptive applications. Today, at AWS re:Invent, Couchbase announced the Capella columnar service, a new, real-time data analytics service to our cloud data platform to enable real-time,...

High-volume Data Management Using Couchbase Magma – A Real Life Case Study

High-volume Data Management Using Couchbase Magma – A Real Life Case Study

Managing large volumes of high velocity data brings a unique set of challenges. From the ability of the database to ingest the data to the TCO of the solution given expanding data volumes. Couchbase’s new Magma storage engine provides a...

Vageesh Patwardhan February 16, 2023
Security vulnerability CVE-2022-42889, Text4Shell

Security vulnerability CVE-2022-42889, Text4Shell

What is Text4Shell vulnerability? A critical severity security vulnerability affecting the Apache Commons Text library (CVE-2022-42889) Text4Shell that can be exploited and was made public on October 13, 2022. As soon as Couchbase became aware of this issue, we investigated...

Always-Available Real-Time Data With High Availability In Couchbase Analytics

Always-Available Real-Time Data With High Availability In Couchbase Analytics

As part of the Couchbase Server 7.1 release, Couchbase Analytics Service is very excited to announce the support of High Availability capability availability to ensure users can access data within Analytics Service collections/datasets when one or more Analytics nodes is...

Derive Insights From Azure Blob Storage Using External Analytics Collections

Derive Insights From Azure Blob Storage Using External Analytics Collections

Following the support for Analytics external collections for Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) in the Couchbase Server 6.6 release, Couchbase is excited to announce the forthcoming support and general availability for Azure Blob Storage for external Analytics...

What’s New In Couchbase Server 7.1

What’s New In Couchbase Server 7.1

Can a Database Fight Inflation? Introducing Couchbase Server 7.1 This year, I’ve asked myself, how can a database help fight inflation? The answer is to make efficiency improvements in the database that outpace inflation. For as long as I’ve worked...

Dataworkz Accelerates Customer 360 Adoption With Couchbase  Capella

Dataworkz Accelerates Customer 360 Adoption With Couchbase Capella

Like most B2B and B2C companies, gaining a deeper understanding of customer behaviors and desires has become essential to commercial success. However, customer data is trapped in different systems and data stores, limiting the actionable insights that the business can...

Perry Krug April 27, 2022