Category: Couchbase Server

Full-text search improvements in Couchbase Server 5.5 & 6.0

Full-text search improvements in Couchbase Server 5.5 & 6.0

Couchbase Server 5.5 and 6.0 add several new features to the Full-Text Search (FTS) service (among many other new features). Included, are performance/manageability improvements, finalizing the geospatial feature, and adding extensive new language analyzers. Indexing engine improvements Foundational improvements were...

Tyler Mitchell August 22, 2018
The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Analytics

The Couchbase Data Platform in Action: Analytics

Contents What is CBAS and how does it compare to “standard” Couchbase? Example Data and Configuration Code and Queries Web Client Web Server and Queries Querying with SQL++ Query Optimization Query Results and REST Response Conclusion Postscript With the release...

Azure Functions with Couchbase Server (video)

Azure Functions with Couchbase Server (video)

Azure Functions allow you to use “serverless” architecture on Microsoft Azure. All you do is write the code, and Azure Functions takes care of the servers for you. Azure Functions In this video, I’m going to show you how to...

Matthew Groves August 22, 2018
Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service

Changes to the Couchbase Analytics Service

Contents 6.0 Data Definition Language Postscript The Couchbase Analytics Service uses the SQL++ query language. SQL++ is an modern query language designed to work with semi-structured data and the JSON data model. SQL++ is backwards-compatible with SQL. The Coucbase Analytics...

Testing ANSI JOINs

Testing ANSI JOINs

Overview The main purpose of this article is to show how Couchbase ANSI JOINs are tested. In Couchbase version 5.5, you can now execute joins using the ANSI standard syntax. This addition to joins makes them much more flexible, but...

Ajay Bhullar August 16, 2018
Create a Full Text Search Typeahead With Go, jQuery, NoSQL

Create a Full Text Search Typeahead With Go, jQuery, NoSQL

About a week ago I write a tutorial for implementing a typeahead search with Node.js and jQuery. A typeahead is one of many great use-cases when using full text search (FTS), but it certainly isn’t the only use-case. As many...

Eventing: Notification with Couchbase Functions

Eventing: Notification with Couchbase Functions

Important note: This blog post contains information about a developer preview CURL function in Eventing. The CURL function will be changing in Couchbase Server 6.5, please see Using cURL with the Eventing Service: Update for more details. Eventing is a...

Matthew Groves August 6, 2018
Typeahead: Develop with Couchbase Full-Text Search & Node.js

Typeahead: Develop with Couchbase Full-Text Search & Node.js

Over the past year or so I’ve written a variety of tutorials around the full-text search (FTS) service of Couchbase, most of which are specific examples of how to do something with one of the SDKs and never really anything...

Tutorial: Build a Points of Interest App with Vue.js, Node.js, Express, and Couchbase Server

Tutorial: Build a Points of Interest App with Vue.js, Node.js, Express, and Couchbase Server

Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll build a full stack application using Vue.js, Node.js, Express, and Couchbase Server. In addition to those frameworks, we’ll use the Google Maps and Here Places REST APIs. Tl;dr clone the repo here. Contents What We’ll...

Processing GraphQL Queries with Java, Spring Boot, and NoSQL

Processing GraphQL Queries with Java, Spring Boot, and NoSQL

Over the span of the past few months I’ve been learning about GraphQL and how to use it as an alternative to RESTful API development. The focus thus far had been around GraphQL and Golang as well as GraphQL and...

Couchbase Server 5.5 Released

Couchbase Server 5.5 Released

Announcing Couchbase Server 5.5 Couchbase Server 5.5 production release is now available! We are very excited to share more information about this substantial extension of the Couchbase Data Platform. This release introduces several new Enterprise Grade features relating to agility,...

Tyler Mitchell July 23, 2018
Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Over the past few months I’ve been writing a GraphQL series using the Go programming language. First we saw how to get started with GraphQL and Go, followed by an alternative way to handle data relationships by using resolvers on...