Tag: support

Withdrawal of the Couchbase Service Broker

Withdrawal of the Couchbase Service Broker

Couchbase will be formally withdrawing the Couchbase Service Broker, as a supported product, from 1st November 2023. What is a Service Broker? Service Brokers implement the Open Service Broker API, an open standard for interoperability between clients and service brokers...

Chris Malarky August 1, 2023
Couchbase On Discord – Join Us!

Couchbase On Discord – Join Us!

At Couchbase, we’re constantly exploring new ways to engage our community and encourage knowledge sharing, collaboration and cross-pollination with adjacent developer communities. Today, we are thrilled to announce that our official Couchbase Discord server is now live! Discord is a...

Onboarding Enterprises to Couchbase Support

Onboarding Enterprises to Couchbase Support

We are delighted to announce the introduction of a brand new training course to assist your Enterprise with Onboarding to Couchbase Support. This free, online offering is designed and delivered by our most experienced Technical Support engineers. Its goal is to...

Extending Maintenance for Couchbase Server 5.x

Extending Maintenance for Couchbase Server 5.x

Announcing an extension to Couchbase Server version 5.x’s maintenance period to provide our customers more time for upgrade planning. At Couchbase we are constantly reviewing what we can do to help our customers navigate through these challenging times. This is...

Couchbase Server 4.6 and macOS Sierra

Couchbase Server 4.6 and macOS Sierra

I am pleased to announce that the latest version of Couchbase Server (4.6) is now compatible with macOS Sierra! From the Couchbase downloads page, choose either Couchbase Server 4.6 Enterprise Edition or Couchbase Server 4.6 Community Edition depending on your...