Tag: SQL++ queries

Query Graph Models With Couchbase Recursive CTE

Query Graph Models With Couchbase Recursive CTE

Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs) and Oracle’s CONNECT BY are well-known SQL constructs among RDBMS users, facilitating the delegation of complex, interdependent data structure exploration to the database layer for enhanced processing efficiency. These constructs are crucial for querying interdependent...

Binh Le May 9, 2024
Couchbase Server 7.6 Top New Features For Developers

Couchbase Server 7.6 Top New Features For Developers

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Couchbase 7.6, a groundbreaking update poised to redefine the landscape of database technology. This latest release is a testament to our commitment to enhancing database technology, with a significant leap in AI...

Binh Le March 25, 2024
Navigating Analytics in the NoSQL Era

Navigating Analytics in the NoSQL Era

NoSQL database systems have firmly established their presence for more than a decade, garnering substantial market share in the OLTP database domain. The rapid adoption of NoSQL databases for OLTP use cases can be attributed to key factors such as...

Santosh Hegde November 29, 2023
Videos: Putting the SQL back into NoSQL

Videos: Putting the SQL back into NoSQL

Are you interested in using the familiar SQL language while also benefiting from the flexibility of JSON data? We’ve got a series of three videos that can help you achieve the best of both worlds. Putting the SQL back into...

Matthew Groves September 5, 2023
Oracle Date Format: N1QL and Support for Date-Time Functions

Oracle Date Format: N1QL and Support for Date-Time Functions

Date and Time functions and formats can vary for different databases. In this article, we shall compare Couchbase ISO-based Date-Time functions with Oracle Date format. Date formats vary between relational and NoSQL database due to the nature of NoSQL JSON...

Couchbase Product Marketing September 22, 2017