Tag: s3

What’s New and Improved in Couchbase Server 6.6

What’s New and Improved in Couchbase Server 6.6

Couchbase Server 6.6 is now generally available with exciting new enhancements that augment our Analytics, Query, Search, and Eventing Services as well as our backup, recovery and tooling capabilities. These enhancements improve developer productivity, simplify cloud deployments, and enable operational...

Cloud Storage Backups with Couchbase (AWS S3 Object Stores)

Cloud Storage Backups with Couchbase (AWS S3 Object Stores)

Couchbase 6.6 introduced the ability to back up the document database directly to AWS S3 cloud computing storage or any other S3-compatible Object Store. Using the cbbackupmgr backup utility you can now specify an S3 bucket as a destination for...