Tag: pagination

Database Pagination: Using OFFSET and Keyset in N1QL

Database Pagination: Using OFFSET and Keyset in N1QL

Read the pagination background in my previous article: https://www.couchbase.com/blog/optimizing-database-pagination-using-couchbase-n1ql/ Pagination is the task of dividing the potential result into pages and retrieving the required pages, one by one on demand.  Using OFFSET and LIMIT is the easy way to write...

January 11, 2018
Optimizing Database Pagination using Couchbase N1QL.

Optimizing Database Pagination using Couchbase N1QL.

Background: How does Google do it? When you google something or anything, it gives you back top relevant results, tells you an approximate number of documents for your topic — all under a second.   Here are some high-level pointers: https://www.google.com/search/howsearchworks/algorithms/...

November 2, 2017