Tag: Indexing

Vector Search Performance: The Rise of Recall

Vector Search Performance: The Rise of Recall

Introducing vector search (KNN), with its distance-based similarity scoring, into the existing Search paradigm necessitated a shift in how we thought about “relevant” results and how to measure them.  Text based indexes use tf-idf as their scoring mechanism with the...

Twitter Thread tl;dr With AI? Part 1

Twitter Thread tl;dr With AI? Part 1

Because who has the time ? (also part 1 because it took me further than I expected 😬) Couchbase recently introduced support for Vector Search. And I have been looking for an excuse to play with it. As it turns...

Rebalance Reimagined: Faster Scaling of Couchbase’s Index Service With File Transfers

Rebalance Reimagined: Faster Scaling of Couchbase’s Index Service With File Transfers

Faster scaling of database resources is essential for maintaining efficient and performant databases, especially with the increased pressure of data ingestion, growing query demands, and the need to handle failovers seamlessly. As application-driven query traffic is primarily handled by index...

Couchbase Lands A Third Database Patent

Couchbase Lands A Third Database Patent

It seems that with our third database patent, Couchbase is keeping the US Patent & Trademark Office very busy. We are thrilled to announce that Couchbase has been granted its third database patent in the last nine months. The Third...

How to Improve Database Performance: 5 Steps You Can Take

How to Improve Database Performance: 5 Steps You Can Take

Deploy a Performance Monitoring Solution Use the latest Commercial version of Couchbase Size your infrastructure accordingly Use Prepared Statements Optimize Indexes There are many steps on the road to better database performance. But first it is necessary to ask what...

Support for Concurrent Index Creation in Indexing Service

Support for Concurrent Index Creation in Indexing Service

Modern applications are implemented as a set of a large number of microservices. Each such microservice may run independently of many other microservices. Such applications expect underlying databases to support multi-tenancy. Couchbase Server 7.0 has introduced Scopes and Collections to...

Amit Kulkarni December 14, 2021
How to Use Full-Text Search across Couchbase Scopes & Collections

How to Use Full-Text Search across Couchbase Scopes & Collections

The Full-Text Search Service now offers better search performance and resource utilization across your cluster with the introduction of Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7.0. Let’s take a quick step back: The 7.0 release of Couchbase Server introduces the concept...

Sreekanth Sivasankaran August 19, 2021
Here’s How the Index Service Got Upgraded for Couchbase 7.0

Here’s How the Index Service Got Upgraded for Couchbase 7.0

Index builds and updates just got a big performance upgrade with the introduction of Scopes and Collections in Couchbase 7. The Couchbase Server 7.0 release introduces the separation of Bucket data into logical Scopes and Collections on top of the...

Binh Le August 12, 2021
Data Structures & Queries with Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)

Data Structures & Queries with Couchbase N1QL (SQL for JSON)

In the Data Structures for NoSQL Applications post, we used simplified JSON data access through native collections, maps, and more. This post demonstrates querying that data using higher-level N1QL queries, the SQL-based language for JSON. Developers can focus on managing...

Index Advisor Supports Self-Verification and Index Pushdowns

Index Advisor Supports Self-Verification and Index Pushdowns

Index advisor for N1QL Statement (ADVISE statement ) is officially released in Couchbase Server 6.6. It is designed to make best efforts to provide global secondary index recommendation for each keyspace in the query which is better than all the...

Chang Liu January 19, 2021
Couchbase Views and Better Alternatives [Part 1 of 2]

Couchbase Views and Better Alternatives [Part 1 of 2]

Introduction This blog is meant for users who are familiar with the basics of Couchbase Server and Views. Novice users should start here to gain basic understanding of Couchbase Server and then continue here to get acquainted with Views. Views...

FTS Flex Index vs GSI Indexes in Couchbase Server 6.6

FTS Flex Index vs GSI Indexes in Couchbase Server 6.6

In this article, we will touch on some practical examples starting with N1QL queries using GSI Indexes and simulate a dataset that over time grows not just with document size, but the actual document structure growing as well. Couchbase Server makes flexible...

Eric Bishard August 12, 2020