Tag: containers

Workshop Content for Full-Stack Java and NoSQL Development Now Available

Workshop Content for Full-Stack Java and NoSQL Development Now Available

About a week ago I was at DevNexus 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia, giving a workshop on creating full stack applications using a variety of technologies such as Java, Angular, Docker, Couchbase, and JavaFX. Everyone who participated in the full day...

Stateful Containers using Portworx and Couchbase

Stateful Containers using Portworx and Couchbase

  Containers are meant to be ephemeral and so scale pretty well for stateless applications. Stateful containers, such as Couchbase, need to be treated differently. Managing Persistence for Docker Containers provide a great overview of how to manage persistence for stateful containers....

Start Couchbase Using Docker Compose

Start Couchbase Using Docker Compose

Couchbase Forums has a question Can’t use N1QL on docker-compose. This blog will show how to run Couchbase using Docker Compose and run a N1QL query. What is Docker Compose? Docker Compose allows you to define your multi-container application with all of...

Getting Started with Oracle Container Cloud Service

Getting Started with Oracle Container Cloud Service

Oracle Container Cloud Service is Oracle’s entry into the world of managed container service. There are plenty of existing options: Docker for AWS or Azure Amazon Elastic Container Service Google Container Engine Azure Container Service DC/OS by Mesosphere OpenShift by Red Hat...

Couchbase 4.1 Docker Container

Couchbase 4.1 Docker Container

Couchbase 4.1 was recently released. Highlights of this release are: N1QL: Complete SQL CRUD Support with N1QL for Batch and OLTP Applications Covering Indexes Prepared Statements Additional Supported Platforms You can read all about it at Introducing Couchbase Server 4.1 and also watch...