Tag: cbq shell

5 Steps to Streamline Your N1QL Queries & Migrate to Collections

5 Steps to Streamline Your N1QL Queries & Migrate to Collections

If you’re looking to migrate your data from a relational database to NoSQL, then now’s a better time than ever. The recent release of Couchbase 7.0 introduced Scopes and Collections – a new way to organize your JSON data. More...

August 16, 2021
How Scopes & Collections Simplify Multi-Tenant App Deployments on Couchbase

How Scopes & Collections Simplify Multi-Tenant App Deployments on Couchbase

Now it’s easier than ever to build and deploy microservices and multi-tenant applications on Couchbase. The 7.0 release introduces a new data organization feature called Scopes and Collections. Scopes and Collections allow logical isolation of different types of data, independent...

August 3, 2021