Results for: fts

Couchbase Developer Release – What’s new for FTS?

Couchbase Developer Release – What’s new for FTS?

Couchbase FTS is our new Fulltext Index and Query engine. We previously introduced it last year, I invite you to read this post and the reference documentation for a better understanding of what it can do for you. If you...

Faster Search, Sorting, Mapping by Keys: FTS Enhancements in Couchbase Server 4.6

Faster Search, Sorting, Mapping by Keys: FTS Enhancements in Couchbase Server 4.6

Today we’re pleased to announce significant improvements in Full-Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Server 4.6.  This blog describes what’s new for search in 4.6: Performance Improvements Index Type Mapping By Key Custom Sorting Couchbase Server FTS runs seamlessly across your cluster...

Using Full Text Search (FTS) with Couchbase in a GoLang Application

Using Full Text Search (FTS) with Couchbase in a GoLang Application

I recently wrote about using Full Text Search (FTS) in a Node.js application that makes use of Couchbase Server 4.5 and higher. As you may know, FTS is available as Developer Preview starting in Couchbase Server 4.5. This is huge...

Using Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase with the Node.js SDK

Using Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase with the Node.js SDK

When I develop applications I always find myself running into a scenario where I need to search for a particular set of text within a chunk of data. I, like many others, often find myself taking the easy way out...

New Release: Couchbase .NET SDK 2.2.8 w/FTS Developer Preview!

New Release: Couchbase .NET SDK 2.2.8 w/FTS Developer Preview!

New Release: Couchbase .NET SDK 2.2.8! Today we are releasing version 2.2.8 (v2.2.8) of the Couchbase .NET SDK! In this release you will find bug fixes and Developer Previews (DP) for upcoming features in support of Couchbase Server 4.5. This...

Privacy Requirements Without the Headache

Privacy Requirements Without the Headache

Any modern web application that interacts with users in different localities must contend with varying privacy requirements and user data consent guidelines. These can be overwhelming for any engineering team to handle, regardless whether the team is just you or...

Announcing General Availability of the C++ SDK for Couchbase

Announcing General Availability of the C++ SDK for Couchbase

We are thrilled to announce the General Availability (GA) of the C++ SDK for Couchbase! This release adds support for native C++ language to our existing comprehensive set of SDK libraries in 11 programming languages and marks a significant milestone...

Enhancing GenAI for Privacy and Performance: The Future of Personalized AI with Edge Vector Databases

Enhancing GenAI for Privacy and Performance: The Future of Personalized AI with Edge Vector Databases

The evolution of Generative AI (GenAI) is marked by a significant transition from model development to application development. As these AI models mature, the focus shifts to integrating them into real-world applications, bringing about new challenges. Application developers and infrastructure...

Vector Search Performance: The Rise of Recall

Vector Search Performance: The Rise of Recall

Introducing vector search (KNN), with its distance-based similarity scoring, into the existing Search paradigm necessitated a shift in how we thought about “relevant” results and how to measure them.  Text based indexes use tf-idf as their scoring mechanism with the...

Vector Search at the Edge with Couchbase Mobile

Vector Search at the Edge with Couchbase Mobile

We’re pleased to announce the public beta release of Couchbase Lite 3.2 with support for vector search. This launch follows the coattails of vector search support on Capella and Couchbase Server 7.6.  Now, with the beta launch of vector search...

Capella App Services: Real-time Log Streaming to Sumo Logic

Capella App Services: Real-time Log Streaming to Sumo Logic

In an earlier post, we discussed the fundamentals of Log Streaming on Capella App Services. App Services logs can be streamed in real-time to third-party observability platforms such as Datadog or collectors, hosted in customer premises. Log Streaming allows you...

GenAI: A New Tool in the Developer Toolbox

GenAI: A New Tool in the Developer Toolbox

Developers craft software that both delight consumers and deliver innovative applications for enterprise users. This craft requires more than just churning out heaps of code; it embodies a process of observing, noticing, interviewing, brainstorming, reading, writing and rewriting specifications; designing,...

Keshav Murthy November 19, 2023