Results for: Node.js

Detect Sensitive Data Automatically With Couchbase Functions

Detect Sensitive Data Automatically With Couchbase Functions

Storing sensitive information in a database without encryption is not a good thing, but have you ever done in on accident due to bugs in your application code or a misconfiguration in your database? What if there was a way...

Simplified Couchbase Server Cluster Creation via Docker

Simplified Couchbase Server Cluster Creation via Docker

It’s pretty straight-forward to run an instance of Couchbase Server in a Docker container. It takes a bit more work to set up and fully configure a cluster. In this post, I’m going to walk through a shell script I...

Continuously Deploying a Golang Application Using Travis CI

Continuously Deploying a Golang Application Using Travis CI

So you’ve been developing an application using the Go programming language with a team of developers for your organization. Best practice would say that you need to create proper tests and develop a continuous integration and deployment strategy. If you’ve...

Using Facets in a Couchbase NoSQL Full Text Search Query

Using Facets in a Couchbase NoSQL Full Text Search Query

Being able to execute Full Text Search queries in Couchbase without the need for additional tooling such as Elastic is huge for NoSQL. About a year ago, I had written about using Full Text Search (FTS) in Couchbase Server with...

Serverless Architecture with Cloud Computing

Serverless Architecture with Cloud Computing

Serverless is one of the new buzz words that you’ve probably heard. It refers to a type of deployment where the server is abstracted away. It doesn’t mean there aren’t servers, just that you don’t have to provision the servers...

Matthew Groves December 5, 2017
Develop Web Applications with Hapi.js and Couchbase NoSQL

Develop Web Applications with Hapi.js and Couchbase NoSQL

About a month ago I had written about developing RESTful APIs for web applications using Node.js and the Hapi.js framework. In this previous article, I demonstrated the use of these technologies with NoSQL in the flavor of Couchbase Server. In...

JavaScript and Couchbase in Southern California

JavaScript and Couchbase in Southern California

Over the past few months I’ve been bouncing between major Southern California cities such as Los Angeles, Irvine, and San Diego. These trips included developer Meetups on technologies such as Golang and Node.js and how to use them with the...

Query Natural Language with Couchbase Server’s Powerful Full Text Search

Query Natural Language with Couchbase Server’s Powerful Full Text Search

How many times have you written a SQL query that used a LIKE operator and some wildcards to find text in a string? What kind of performance did you get when you ran that against millions of records? It was...

Secure Your NoSQL Data with Couchbase Role-Based Access Control

Secure Your NoSQL Data with Couchbase Role-Based Access Control

In a world where data leaks are becoming increasingly common, the need to harden the database and web applications becomes ever so important. I, like many other developers, came from working with relational databases such as MySQL and Oracle, where...

Get to know our Couchbase Community Meet –Ratnopam Chakrabarti

Get to know our Couchbase Community Meet –Ratnopam Chakrabarti

Ratnopam Chakrabarti hails from Plano, Texas and is an AWS Certified Solution Architect at Ericsson. He has been actively involved in contributing to our our Community writing program sharing off his expertise on Couchbas

Midwest JS Project Source on Full Stack Node Development, Available

Midwest JS Project Source on Full Stack Node Development, Available

Back in August I had participated in Midwest JS located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. As you may know, I’m a huge fan of developing full stack applications with the JavaScript stack. This is exactly what I had presented on at the conference. My...

Developing a User Profile Store with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Developing a User Profile Store with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Remember the tutorial series I wrote in regards to creating a user profile store with Node.js and NoSQL? That tutorial covered a lot of ground, from creating a RESTful API with Node.js, handling user sessions, data modeling, and of course...