Category: Full-Text Search

An Introduction to Couchbase Cloud: Migration Made Easy

An Introduction to Couchbase Cloud: Migration Made Easy

It’s not a straightforward question to answer: How do I move my on-premises, virtualised or public cloud solution over to a shiny new fully managed cloud infrastructure – with as little disruption as possible? Migration concerns are high on the...

Why NoSQL JSON Databases Are So Useful

Why NoSQL JSON Databases Are So Useful

My family hears me talk about JSON databases rather frequently. Naturally, I had to explain that Jason is not the owner of my company! Instead, many modern databases use JSON as a data format. They usually leave the room at...

The life of a Full Text Search query

The life of a Full Text Search query

This technical article showcases the life of a Full Text Search query through a distributed Couchbase system as it originates from a client to until a response is received. Before diving into the server world, a little about the client...

Data Structures & Full-Text Search Indexing in Couchbase

Data Structures & Full-Text Search Indexing in Couchbase

This is Part 3 of a series examining Data Structures in NoSQL databases. In this post, we use Full-Text Search natural language queries against data structures in Couchbase. Part 1: Data Structures for NoSQL Applications we used simplified JSON data...

Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

Data Structures & Algorithms For NoSQL Applications

This article introduces Data Structures and how they work with Couchbase Server 7.0 Scopes and Collections features. What are data structures? Couchbase Data Structures is an API feature that aligns the language of the database interface with a programming language....

7 Useful Tips for Your Full-Text Search Production Systems

7 Useful Tips for Your Full-Text Search Production Systems

Creating the right search index and tuning its various configurations is very essential to the smooth working of any Full-Text Search production systems. These operational aspects play a key role in improving the indexing and querying performance of the search...

Sreekanth Sivasankaran November 9, 2020
Taming the Gerrymander with Geospatial Search

Taming the Gerrymander with Geospatial Search

The Basics Before you read any further, please take a few minutes and read the excellent post on geospatial search in Couchbase, as published by my friend and colleague Brian Kane: Go ahead; I’ll wait. Now that you’re back,...

Peter Reale November 4, 2020
Using NoSQL for Geospatial Search Without a Spatial Database

Using NoSQL for Geospatial Search Without a Spatial Database

Introduction Couchbase Full Text Search (FTS) is a great tool for indexing and querying geospatial data.  In this article, I’ll present a geospatial search use case and demonstrate the various ways that we can perform a search of location data...

Full-Text Search – 5 Tips To Improve Your Query Performance

Full-Text Search – 5 Tips To Improve Your Query Performance

Tuning the search query performance is a very important aspect of Full-Text Search as it helps business-critical applications in meeting the SLA requirements of latency and throughput. Without much preamble, let me share a few useful recommendations for troubleshooting your...

Sreekanth Sivasankaran October 2, 2020
How to Make Geospatial Polygon-Based Search on Couchbase

How to Make Geospatial Polygon-Based Search on Couchbase

Geospatial features have proven over the years to significantly increase user engagement. In fact, we got so used to it that now we even expect that any kind of recommendation (news, restaurants, products) should also be location-based. The majority of...

Announcing Flex Index With Couchbase

Announcing Flex Index With Couchbase

Flex Index Explained What is a Flex Index? One of the key tasks of a database engine is how to efficiently manage the search and retrieval of the data therein. The efficiency and balance between resource consumption and performance are...

Binh Le August 12, 2020
What’s New and Improved in Couchbase Server 6.6

What’s New and Improved in Couchbase Server 6.6

Couchbase Server 6.6 is now generally available with exciting new enhancements that augment our Analytics, Query, Search, and Eventing Services as well as our backup, recovery and tooling capabilities. These enhancements improve developer productivity, simplify cloud deployments, and enable operational...