Korrigan Clark | Couchbase Blog


All posts by Korrigan Clark

Korrigan Clark is a Software Engineer in Test at Couchbase.

Introduction To Jepsen Testing At Couchbase

Introduction To Jepsen Testing At Couchbase

Intro As most of you know, Couchbase is a database that provides users with a range of consistency and fault tolerance options to ensure that the state of their data meet certain criteria or guarantees. Users can specify varying levels...

Korrigan Clark August 9, 2019
How to Certify Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Azure AKS

How to Certify Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Azure AKS

Our goal on the Couchbase Kubernetes testing team is to rigorously test the Autonomous Operator (AO) and certify the underlying Couchbase Server clusters that the AO manages. We test the AO for proper creation, management, and failure recovery of the...

Korrigan Clark December 11, 2018
Certification of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator

Certification of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator

The Couchbase Autonomous Operator enables you to run Couchbase deployments natively on Open Source Kubernetes or Enterprise Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. I’m excited to announce the availability of the Couchbase Autonomous Operator 0.8 Beta Refresh today! Running and managing...

Korrigan Clark May 8, 2018