Tag: SSL

TLS 1.3 encryption arrives to Couchbase Server 7.0

TLS 1.3 encryption arrives to Couchbase Server 7.0

The Couchbase Server 7.0 Beta is now available with some additional enhancements to strengthen the security of the platform.  Couchbase uses TLS encryption across our portfolio to ensure communication across the network is secure, meaning that outside parties cannot eavesdrop...

Certificate Pinning in your Couchbase Mobile iOS App

Certificate Pinning in your Couchbase Mobile iOS App

Communication between Couchbase Lite and Sync Gateway is encryped and secured using SSL/TLS. The SSL/TLS protocol relies on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) mechanism using a X.509 certificate to establish the Sync Gateway server’s identity. The certificate is typically issued/signed...

Securing Couchbase Server using Let’s Encrypt x.509 Certificates

Securing Couchbase Server using Let’s Encrypt x.509 Certificates

Summary Securing data and access to data for application data is an important step in securing your environment for client applications and database protection in any sized environment. One of the simplest methods to secure data is the access path...