Tag: Couchbase 5.0

Gear up with N1QL to the era of Engagement Databases

Gear up with N1QL to the era of Engagement Databases

Couchbase Engagement Database Platform Woo-Hoo!!! Have you heard of Engagement Databases? I am sure, “No”, not until Couchbase announced it with 5.0 release. In today’s digital economy, success of a business is dependent on its ability to leverage successful digital...

Diving into Couchbase Index Replicas

Diving into Couchbase Index Replicas

With Couchbase Server 4.x, customers used to create Equivalent Indexes to satisfy the twin requirements of keeping the indexes highly available and to load balance the N1QL queries. What this meant was that the exact same index definition was used...

Access to Shared Couchbase Database Bucket From Mobile and Web Clients

Access to Shared Couchbase Database Bucket From Mobile and Web Clients

There is an updated version of this post here With the release of Sync Gateway 1.5 and Couchbase Server 5.0, mobile and web clients can seamlessly access documents in the same Couchbase Server bucket. This implies that a document created...

New to Couchbase Server 5.0: GSI replicas and rebalancing

New to Couchbase Server 5.0: GSI replicas and rebalancing

Couchbase Server 4.0 introduced Global Secondary Indexes (GSI) to support the N1QL query engine.  Now, with Couchbase Server 5.0 (as of the April developer build), we have added the ability to automatically replicate and rebalance these indexes. At first, GSIs...

Perry Krug April 30, 2017