Tag: analytics

External Datasets: Accessing AWS S3 in Couchbase Analytics

External Datasets: Accessing AWS S3 in Couchbase Analytics

Introduction to external datasets Couchbase is very excited to announce its new “External Datasets” Analytics Services feature in the latest Couchbase Server 6.6 release. External datasets empower customers to access externally stored data in real-time from Amazon Web Services (AWS)...

Idris Motiwala August 12, 2020
Analyze This: MongoDB & Couchbase Analytics.

Analyze This: MongoDB & Couchbase Analytics.

The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers.  — Richard Hamming The spiral of running the business, analyzing what to change & what to change to, and then changing the business is an eternal one. Do the right analysis, your...

Keshav Murthy June 23, 2020
Couchbase Data Platform Partner Training

Couchbase Data Platform Partner Training

Thanks to Binh Le, Jon Strabala & Keshav Murthy for contributing to this post. Introduction Couchbase provides a wide variety of self paced online courses as well as in-person (or virtual) training through both Couchbase’s training portal. Advent of open...

Idris Motiwala May 19, 2020
Couchbase Intro for MongoDB Developers and NoSQL Experts

Couchbase Intro for MongoDB Developers and NoSQL Experts

Six thousand years ago, the Sumerians invented writing for transaction processing — Gray & Reuter By any measure, MongoDB is a popular document-oriented JSON database. In the last dozen years, it has grown from its humble beginnings of a single...

Keshav Murthy April 25, 2020
Extend Couchbase Analytics with Power BI using CData

Extend Couchbase Analytics with Power BI using CData

Extend Couchbase Analytics with Power BI using CData. This article will guide you through the steps needed to setup the connection from Couchbase Analytics to Power BI Desktop using the CData Power BI driver for Couchbase. More details regarding this...

Simple dataviz with N1QL and Google Sheets.

Simple dataviz with N1QL and Google Sheets.

Do whatever it takes to present the data to aid analysis and thinking.  — Edward Tufte How do you create graphs like these if you don’t already have some ready-made cool dataviz tool? You can run queries to wrangle the...

Keshav Murthy January 7, 2020
Using Multiple Disks to Speed Up Couchbase Analytics Queries

Using Multiple Disks to Speed Up Couchbase Analytics Queries

Typical ad-hoc analytical queries have to process much more data than can fit in memory. Consequently, those queries tend to be I/O bound. When the Analytics service was introduced in Couchbase 6.0, it allowed users to specify multiple “Analytics Disk...

Extend Couchbase Analytics with SQL Server using CData

Extend Couchbase Analytics with SQL Server using CData

Extend Couchbase Analytics with SQL Server using CData. This article will guide you through the steps needed to setup the connection from Couchbase Analytics to SQL Server using the CData ODBC driver for Couchbase. More details regarding this driver can...

Deep Dive: Window functions in Couchbase Analytics

Deep Dive: Window functions in Couchbase Analytics

Couchbase Server 6.5 brings a host of new features [1] to the leading NoSQL database. One of the key additions to the N1QL query language is support for window functions. These functions were originally introduced in the SQL:2003 standard and provide...

Analytics Explain Plan – Part 1

Analytics Explain Plan – Part 1

Co-author:  Till Westmann,  Senior Director, Engineering Introduction Couchbase Analytics is the “newest kid on the block” amongst all the services available in Couchbase Server. The new service is providing rapid time to insight in many use cases like ship to...

Window functions in Couchbase Analytics

Window functions in Couchbase Analytics

Co-author:  Till Westmann,  Senior Director, Engineering The bits for Couchbase 6.5, the upcoming release of Couchbase Server, are now available. The Analytics service, which supports efficient parallel query processing, has added support for support for window functions defined in the...

Couchbase 6.5 – Scan Consistency in Analytics

Couchbase 6.5 – Scan Consistency in Analytics

Since the GA back in Nov 2018, Couchbase Analytics is being used in multiple verticals for rapid time to insight – ad-hoc analysis by a payment provider,  shopping cart analysis by an e-tailer, next gen ticket booking engine by a...