If you’re new to Node.js, Couchbase or both, you’re about to level up your skills.

Today I’ll show you how to build a minimal REST-based application for retrieving documents from Couchbase using Node.js and Express.

This post continues my introductory series on using Node.js with Couchbase (including last week’s post on async functions).

In today’s post, we’ll build on my previous examples of using Node.js and Couchbase, so check out those two earlier articles if you haven’t already. I’ll also assume you have basic familiarity with JavaScript, Node.js and NoSQL document databases.

Get the Express Module

Starting from where we left off last week, we can add a web-based REST interface to help isolate your web application from the database. To do this, you need the Express module. Install it and add it to your package dependencies using:

To test that Express is installed correctly, you can build a small application (app.js) that creates the HTTP server and returns a Hello World value. For later convenience, wrap it with an async function as you can see below:

Launch it and access it through a web browser on port 3000. It should look something like this image below:

Hello world showing in a web browser from Node.js and Express

Congratulations! You’ve successfully built your first Express app, albeit a small one.

Building the Application

The application has three components:

    • Route management
    • Database connectivity
    • The HTTP server layer

Add an Express Route for Data Retrieval

The application intercepts and serves the root path /. We’ll create a route called get for retrieving a specific document. The REST user provides a document ID and returns the JSON document using the following syntax:

The function for creating that route includes two important objects – req (request) and res (results) – which we’ll use for getting data to and from the app. See the example below:

Notice that the :docid parameter becomes a variable you can access through the request object: var docid = req.params.docid. It is then passed to the getDoc() function which we’ll cover in a minute.

The application also has this convenience function below for running everything asynchronously:

The function above wraps your calls nicely but I won’t explain it in detail here (maybe in a future post). For now, just add it to the script.

Add a Document-Retrieval Function

The database connectivity in the script is as basic as the earlier posts in this series. Select a Bucket and Collection, then use the get() function to retrieve a document based on a given document ID.

First comes the connectivity piece. If you have a different username, password, Bucket or Collection, substitute it here:

Note that I host the app on a server on my network that also hosts the database (localhost). But I access the app from my dev laptop, so in the web browser samples below you’ll see the IP address hitting the REST API.

Now let’s look at the main function for document retrieval:

We use the collection variable, which is the Couchbase database connection to the Bucket, etc., defined earlier. The get() function takes one input: a string with a document ID. For example, we used hotel_5336 in the previous posts in this series.

Running the REST API

The HTTP server for the REST API still needs to run as well. It hasn’t changed since the first test app in this post:

That covers all the code; a full listing is included below. Now you can run the server as before ( node app.js) and provide a document ID through the web browser – e.g.,

The requested document is printed in the console and returned to the browser:

Database retrieval REST API with Node.js and Couchbase

Full Code Sample


In future posts I’ll cover how to build a database query, conduct full-text searches and more – all using different Express routes.

In the meantime, take your application to the next level by doing some of the following:

Catch up with the rest of the Node.js + Couchbase how-to series:


Don’t just read about it – try it out:<br/ >Download Couchbase and get building



Posted by Tyler Mitchell - Product Marketing

Works as Senior Product Marketing Manager at Couchbase, helping bring knowledge about products into the public limelight while also supporting our field teams with valuable content. His personal passion is all things geospatial, having worked in GIS for half his career. Now AI and Vector Search is top of mind.

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