Tag: unnest

Analytics – Love the Doc Model You’re With

Analytics – Love the Doc Model You’re With

In business applications, the data is often modeled for a large number of concurrent low latency queries. If you want to gain insight by looking at trends, however, you end up wishing you had an entirely different data model. The...

Peter Reale July 26, 2019
Flattening and Querying NoSQL Array Data With Couchbase N1QL

Flattening and Querying NoSQL Array Data With Couchbase N1QL

I was browsing the Couchbase forums and I came across a question regarding queries against array data in Couchbase. Coming from a relational database, I too once struggled to grasp the concept of querying complex formatted JSON data with SQL....

Joining NoSQL Data: MongoDB Query Language vs Couchbase N1QL

Joining NoSQL Data: MongoDB Query Language vs Couchbase N1QL

One of the most frequent questions I receive when it comes to NoSQL is on the subject of joining data from multiple documents into a single query result. While this question is brought up more frequently from RDBMS developers, I...