Category: Kubernetes

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.5 GA – What’s New and Improved

Announcing Couchbase Server 6.5 GA – What’s New and Improved

We are pleased to announce the release of Couchbase Server 6.5 GA with stellar features that lead the innovation in the NoSQL database market. We are excited to once again pioneer some of the most sought-after relational capabilities in the...

ASP.NET Core Microservices: Getting Started

ASP.NET Core Microservices: Getting Started

ASP.NET Core Microservices: applications that will be responsible for a single “vertical” slice of an overall application/service architecture. Why ASP.NET Core microservices? There are a lot of opinions and recommendations about what microservices are, when to use microservices vs a...

Matthew Groves November 7, 2019
Infosys “OpenHack” Development Program Features Couchbase

Infosys “OpenHack” Development Program Features Couchbase

Couchbase is expanding its partnerships with industry-leading global systems integrators and regional solution providers.  Through these partnerships, Couchbase’s unique capabilities can be delivered to our global footprint of enterprise customers. We collaborate closely with our Strategic Alliance partner Infosys to...

Tutorial: Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Minikube

Tutorial: Couchbase Autonomous Operator On Minikube

This hands-on tutorial blog primarily covers details around setting up Couchbase Kubernetes Operator on a laptop/desktop running minikube. It features setting up custom TLS certs and persistent volumes. Along with checking how to scale up and down the cluster. Also...

Ram Dhakne September 4, 2019
Observing the Rising Tide of Developer Influence

Observing the Rising Tide of Developer Influence

International Data Corporation (IDC) announced the results of a really interesting research project recently, where it has surveyed 2,500 developers around the globe. The IDC team commenting on the report saying that: “Developers are increasingly regarded as visionaries and architects...

Self-healing Clusters using Kubernetes Persistent Volumes

Self-healing Clusters using Kubernetes Persistent Volumes

Prologue Modern business applications are expected to be up 24/7, even during the planned rollout of new features and periodic patching of the Operating System or application. Achieving this feat requires tools and technologies that ensure the speed of development,...

Autonomous Operator 1.2.0 Public Connectivity

Autonomous Operator 1.2.0 Public Connectivity

In my previous article I discussed—from a high level—the new Public Connectivity feature in Autonomous Operator 1.2.0.  This was intentionally an abstract overview in order to coax the user to learn about the joys of DDNS, TLS and layer 3...

Running Couchbase Autonomous Operator on VMware

Running Couchbase Autonomous Operator on VMware

Cormac Hogan is a Director and Chief Technologist in the Office of the CTO in the Storage and Availability Business Unit (SABU) at VMware.  Bio: I joined VMware back in April 2005, and have previously held roles in VMware’s Engineering,...

Prometheus Monitoring of Couchbase Mobile Kubernetes Cluster

Prometheus Monitoring of Couchbase Mobile Kubernetes Cluster

UPDATE: Starting in v2.8, Sync Gateway includes built-in Prometheus exporter support. Stats are exported in Prometheus-compatible format through the metrics endpoint. This implies that there is no longer the need to have a separate exporter. Read the Couchbase Documentation for...

Monitor Couchbase Sync Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana

Monitor Couchbase Sync Gateway with Prometheus and Grafana

The Couchbase Mobile 2.5 release introduced extensive stats reporting capabilities on the Sync Gateway.The stats provide key insights into the health of your Couchbase Mobile deployment and constitues an integral part of any deployment. In this post, we discuss how...

Quick Start: Deploy Couchbase Autonomous Operator With Helm

Quick Start: Deploy Couchbase Autonomous Operator With Helm

What’s Helm? Helm is a tool that streamlines the installation and management of applications on Kubernetes platforms. The Couchbase Autonomous Operator helm chart allows users to combine Kubernetes definitions for resources like Services, Roles, and Deployments into a single customizable...

Tommie McAfee May 14, 2019
Bridging Gaps: Autonomous Operator 1.2 Network Enhancements

Bridging Gaps: Autonomous Operator 1.2 Network Enhancements

Autonomous Operator versions prior to 1.2.0 had limited ability to interact with clients.  The Couchbase data platform could only be used by SDKs located in the same Kubernetes cluster.  Cross datacenter replication (XDCR) could only be used within the same...