Category: Application Design

What is Modern Application Development? A Guide

What is Modern Application Development? A Guide

What is modern application development? Modern application development is an approach that allows organizations to create and deliver applications with greater speed, flexibility, and security. It uses various technologies and processes, such as cloud-native architecture, microservices, containers, continuous integration and...

What is a Distributed Application? Definition and Examples

What is a Distributed Application? Definition and Examples

A distributed application is a program that runs on one or more computers simultaneously and communicates through a network. In this blog post, we’ll dive into how distributed applications work, how they differ from standalone or traditional applications, how you...

Mobile Developers: Is REST Keeping You Up At Night?

Mobile Developers: Is REST Keeping You Up At Night?

REpresentational State Transfer, commonly known as “REST”, describes a standard for programmatic communication with backend data services over the web. A REST API is a programming interface that uses HTTP requests to POST (create), GET (read), PUT (update), and DELETE...

Implementing an Application Modernization Strategy

Implementing an Application Modernization Strategy

Today, organizations must continuously evolve to stay competitive and meet customer needs. Because legacy systems can’t meet the requirements of new applications, organizations are turning to application modernization for improved speed, flexibility, and scale. In this article, we’ll explore the...

Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases: Features and Benefits

Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases: Features and Benefits

Databases play a crucial role in storing, organizing, and retrieving information. Two main types of databases are relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases. Both have unique features and benefits, so choosing the right type of database is essential for building...

11 Effective Microservices Development Best Practices

11 Effective Microservices Development Best Practices

Microservices architecture is increasingly popular in today’s fast-paced software development landscape. Because microservices run independently, developers can scale and maintain each application without disrupting other microservices, making them easier to work with than a monolithic architecture.  Keep reading to find...

App Scaling (What It Is and How To Do It)

App Scaling (What It Is and How To Do It)

As organizations grow, their applications also face increased demand. This demand typically includes more data processing and additional users accessing the system simultaneously. If an application can’t handle this growing demand, it may become slow, unresponsive, or even crash, resulting...

Data Consistency Models & Performance: Couchbase vs. CockroachDB

Data Consistency Models & Performance: Couchbase vs. CockroachDB

Design decisions influenced by CAP Theorem The CAP theorem states that a database cannot simultaneously provide all three of the following guarantees: Consistency (the latest information is always available everywhere) Availability (every read and write request receives a response) Partitioning...

Extending .NET Caching Provider for Collections

Extending .NET Caching Provider for Collections

To help .NET developers better use Couchbase in their applications, there is a collection of community-supported Couchbase Extensions. These include extensions for caching, session, multiop, compression, and locking. And there are some officially supported extensions for dependency injection, open telemetry,...

Matthew Groves April 11, 2023
Updating Sensor Data: Exploring Couchbase’s Multi-Model Options

Updating Sensor Data: Exploring Couchbase’s Multi-Model Options

Couchbase has become a popular choice for IoT use cases, thanks to its flexible multi-model data management capabilities. Recently, I was working with a customer in the cruise industry that had a unique challenge – they needed Couchbase to receive...

Matthew Groves April 4, 2023
App Development Costs (A Breakdown)

App Development Costs (A Breakdown)

Developing an app can be very lucrative, but it requires some upfront costs. So, how much does it cost to develop an app? App creation costs can vary dramatically depending on the size and complexity of the app being developed....

From N1QL to JavaScript and Back – Part 5: Prepared statements

From N1QL to JavaScript and Back – Part 5: Prepared statements

In previous blogs, we covered executing N1QL (SQL++) from JavaScript functions, processing documents through iterators, manipulating data. and handling errors. We now move to executing dynamic statements. Prepared statements JavaScript functions can prepare and execute prepared statements, much like any request...