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All posts by Couchbase Product Marketing

Cloud Optimization (Why it’s Important, Tips, Best Practices)

Cloud Optimization (Why it’s Important, Tips, Best Practices)

Organizations are leveraging cloud computing to scale their operations more than ever. However, without proper cloud optimization, organizations may find themselves facing extra costs, not meeting performance requirements, and even experiencing security threats. In this article, we’ll explore tips to...

Webcast: See our Developer-friendly Updates to Capella DBaaS

Webcast: See our Developer-friendly Updates to Capella DBaaS

The Spring Release of Couchbase Capella™ DBaaS coincides with National Cloud Database Day (June 1st) – perfect timing because Capella reimagines the modern database as a fast, flexible, and affordable cloud database platform. In this What’s New webcast, we’ll walk you...

Database vs. Data Warehouse: Differences Between Them, Use Cases, Examples

Database vs. Data Warehouse: Differences Between Them, Use Cases, Examples

The explosion of data in the digital age has created a pressing need for organizations to efficiently store, manage, and analyze vast amounts of information. Databases and data warehouses are crucial tools that help businesses make sense of their data...

Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases: Features and Benefits

Relational vs. Non-Relational Databases: Features and Benefits

Databases play a crucial role in storing, organizing, and retrieving information. Two main types of databases are relational (SQL) and non-relational (NoSQL) databases. Both have unique features and benefits, so choosing the right type of database is essential for building...

11 Effective Microservices Development Best Practices

11 Effective Microservices Development Best Practices

Microservices architecture is increasingly popular in today’s fast-paced software development landscape. Because microservices run independently, developers can scale and maintain each application without disrupting other microservices, making them easier to work with than a monolithic architecture.  Keep reading to find...

App Scaling (What It Is and How To Do It)

App Scaling (What It Is and How To Do It)

As organizations grow, their applications also face increased demand. This demand typically includes more data processing and additional users accessing the system simultaneously. If an application can’t handle this growing demand, it may become slow, unresponsive, or even crash, resulting...

Application Development Life Cycle (Phases and Management Models)

Application Development Life Cycle (Phases and Management Models)

Building applications and solutions has become an integral part of doing business. Each industry, ranging from healthcare to gaming, requires a development team to build, manage, and test the digital infrastructure of its business. For this reason, it’s important to...

A Multi-Cloud Security Overview (Best Practices & Challenges)

A Multi-Cloud Security Overview (Best Practices & Challenges)

As more and more organizations adopt cloud computing, the use of multi-cloud environments is becoming increasingly common. However, with this approach comes the need for robust multi-cloud security strategies to effectively secure and protect data and resources across multiple cloud...

Data Replication and Synchronization in Couchbase

Data Replication and Synchronization in Couchbase

Data replication and synchronization may seem redundant at first glance. They both refer to copying data from one persistent repository to another for consistency in a distributed architecture. But for Couchbase, each term has a different meaning and each is...

App Development Costs (A Breakdown)

App Development Costs (A Breakdown)

Developing an app can be very lucrative, but it requires some upfront costs. So, how much does it cost to develop an app? App creation costs can vary dramatically depending on the size and complexity of the app being developed....

How to Plan a Cloud Migration (Strategy, Tips, Challenges)

How to Plan a Cloud Migration (Strategy, Tips, Challenges)

Due to rapid advancements in cloud technology, enterprises can now innovate and modernize dramatically faster in the cloud than they can on premises. The big question is no longer if an organization should move to the cloud, but how they...

Couchbase Product Marketing February 23, 2023
Magma: The Next-Generation Document Storage Engine

Magma: The Next-Generation Document Storage Engine

The Couchbase database platform supports two storage mechanisms: Couchstore, the default, and Magma, the recently released engine. Both offer benefits under various scenarios. This blog post gives a brief overview of the new Magma storage engine, provides a comparison of...

Couchbase Product Marketing October 17, 2022