Tag: docker

HashiCorp Vault with Couchbase Server

HashiCorp Vault with Couchbase Server

In today’s fast-paced world, data security is of utmost importance, especially when dealing with sensitive information. A key component of data security is authentication, which protects data from being stolen. HashiCorp Vault is one of the technologies that can help...

Istvan Orban June 27, 2023
Querying Trades on the Stellar Blockchain using Couchbase & Python

Querying Trades on the Stellar Blockchain using Couchbase & Python

In Part 1 of this series, Monitor Stellar Assets Using Couchbase & Python, we introduced the basic concepts of the Stellar Decentralized (Blockchain) Exchange and showed how to store a copy of an account asset list in Couchbase. In this...

Tyler Mitchell March 10, 2022
Monitor Stellar Assets using Couchbase & Python

Monitor Stellar Assets using Couchbase & Python

This post describes how to build a basic client that records activity on the Stellar Decentralized Blockchain. Stellar hosts a growing list of new and different cryptocurrency alt-coins and tokens. With the code from this post you can create a...

Tyler Mitchell February 15, 2022
Testing Couchbase Applications, Why Wait?

Testing Couchbase Applications, Why Wait?

In my previous blog, we discussed setting up a Couchbase cluster locally on your own hardware. The beauty of this was that it significantly reduces both the TCO of your testing infrastructure and the time needed to acquire new test...

Sam Redman, Solutions Engineer December 20, 2021
ML Meets NoSQL: Integrating Python User-Defined Functions with SQL++ for Analytics

ML Meets NoSQL: Integrating Python User-Defined Functions with SQL++ for Analytics

After conversations with our customers about the delay in obtaining analytical insights from their Python-based machine learning models, we set out to create a seamless pipeline from Python to Couchbase Analytics that returns faster insights in real time.  Introduction With...

Muk SreenivasanAnuj Kothari November 8, 2021
How to Build a Couchbase Autonomous Operator Proof of Concept

How to Build a Couchbase Autonomous Operator Proof of Concept

Whenever I hear about a customer’s first experience with the Couchbase Autonomous Operator (CAO) for Kubernetes, their first question tends to be “How much?” The answer is that it’s already included in their Enterprise Edition subscription. Joyous to hear this,...

Using Docker to develop with Couchbase Mobile

Using Docker to develop with Couchbase Mobile

Container technologies such as Docker have vastly simplified the software development, test and deployment process by allowing you to package applications along with their complete runtime environment that abstract away differences in infrastructure and OSes. This post is a primer...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.1 for Kubernetes is Now GA

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.1 for Kubernetes is Now GA

At Couchbase’s global developer conference, ‘Connect.Online 2020’ held in October, we shared the essence of new features or capabilities of the upcoming Couchbase Autonomous Operator release version 2.1 through several sessions. Since then, many of you have been waiting to...

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 For Kubernetes Is Now GA!

Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0 For Kubernetes Is Now GA!

We’re proud to announce the general availability of Couchbase Autonomous Operator 2.0. We have achieved significant milestones since we first announced production certification of Couchbase Server on Docker containers in June of 2016, and with Autonomous Operator 2.0, we are...

ASP.NET Core Kubernetes Tutorial for AKS

ASP.NET Core Kubernetes Tutorial for AKS

ASP.NET Core Kubernetes tutorial will be covered in this blog post, as a follow-up to ASP.NET Core Microservices: Getting Started. I just saw this and it made me laugh WAY HARDER than it probably should have. pic.twitter.com/R1wleGZM0B — Carmen Crincoli...

Matthew Groves January 24, 2020
ASP.NET Core Microservices: Getting Started

ASP.NET Core Microservices: Getting Started

ASP.NET Core Microservices: applications that will be responsible for a single “vertical” slice of an overall application/service architecture. Why ASP.NET Core microservices? There are a lot of opinions and recommendations about what microservices are, when to use microservices vs a...

Matthew Groves November 7, 2019
Deploy Couchbase Sync Gateway Clusters on Kubernetes

Deploy Couchbase Sync Gateway Clusters on Kubernetes

Please refer to this post for the latest version. The Couchbase Autonomous Operator makes it extremely easy to configure and manage Couchbase Server deployments on kubernetes clusters on public and private clouds. Couchbase Mobile deployments require a Sync Gateway cluster...