Tag: N1QL

N1QL vs TSQL – Aggregations with Couchbase Server vs SQL Server

N1QL vs TSQL – Aggregations with Couchbase Server vs SQL Server

SQL has been around for a loooooong time. It is very intuitive and efficient way to process structured data and has been the choice for databases for many years. With the world of BIG DATA however, data has velocity, variety...

Couchbasics: How Functional and Performance Needs Determine Data Access in Couchbase

Couchbasics: How Functional and Performance Needs Determine Data Access in Couchbase

There are multiple ways of getting data in and out of Couchbase. Notice that I did not say querying, I said in and out…on purpose. Not all ways of getting data in and out of Couchbase are querying like in...

Data modelling for N1QL

Data modelling for N1QL

In my posts on key-value data modelling with Couchbase, the main concerns were: * when to embed data and when to refer * building secondary indexes * key design. In a N1QL world, we’re still thinking about similar things and in this post...

Getting Started with Tableau and Couchbase

Getting Started with Tableau and Couchbase

Getting Started with Couchbase and Tableau With the release of Couchbase 4.0, business intelligence users now have access to document data stored in Couchbase via N1QL and ODBC/JDBC drivers from SIMBA. This is a quick start guide on how to integrate a...

Tim Wong December 17, 2015
Introducing Linq2Couchbase Developer Preview 1: The Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL!

Introducing Linq2Couchbase Developer Preview 1: The Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL!

*Sample code for this post is available in the couchbase-net-examples project here. I am very excited to announce developer preview #1 of the official Linq provider for Couchbase N1QL! This is a very early pre-release to introduce the provider, preview...

Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.3 (and 2.1.2) released!

Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.3 (and 2.1.2) released!

  Today we are releasing a follow up release to 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 that includes support for Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) for Couchbase Server 4.0 Beta and a plethora of bug fixes! In this post i’ll explain what MDS is and...

N1QL Samples

N1QL Samples

Learn N1QL by sample N1QL is the document query language used to query data in Couchbase Server (CB). N1QL will be an integrated part of CB 4, until then there is a preview version available. SQL for JSON Documents N1QL...

Indexes for N1QL: or how I got an order magnitude speed increase

Indexes for N1QL: or how I got an order magnitude speed increase

Indexes for N1QL: or how I got an order magnitude speed increase In Couchbase 4.0 we introduced N1QL query language: a flexible query language that brings SQL-like query to JSON documents. Whenever we talk about N1QL the conversation always opens...

Data Modelling in Document Databases for the Relational DBMS-minded

Data Modelling in Document Databases for the Relational DBMS-minded

Data modeling for relational databases uses entity relationship diagrams, normalization and more…. Techniques which have evolved to perfection over the years. However data naturally does not exist in this full normalized form in real world applications. Document databases like Couchbase...

Windows 10 Support is HERE!

Windows 10 Support is HERE!

Windows 10 and the Future! I’m happy to announce official support for Windows 10 with the release of Couchbase 4.1. These are exciting times, and as we continue to grow we are investing heavily into the Windows and .NET platform....

Todd Greenstein December 9, 2015
Why I Use Double Colons as a Key Pattern Delimiter

Why I Use Double Colons as a Key Pattern Delimiter

People ask me all the time why I create Couchbase key patterns with double colons as a delimiter. Well… Not::much::else::uses::double::colons so it is a great delimiter They make for human readable keys Every object in Couchbase needs a unique key per bucket and since...

Couchbase 4.0 has landed!

Couchbase 4.0 has landed!

Couchbase Server 4 has landed! and the Couchbase .NET SDK makes it easy to use! What's new? N1QL – you can now do rich query against your JSON documents in Couchbase Filtered XDCR – Not all data needs to be...