Tag: asynchronous

Designing the Couchbase Kotlin API 

Designing the Couchbase Kotlin API 

I’m pleased to announce the GA release of Couchbase Kotlin SDK version 1.0. In truth, I’m over the moon. This project has been a labor of love. After working with Java for decades, I have a new favorite language. In...

May 3, 2022
Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang

Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang

Not too long ago I had written about using the Couchbase Server subdocument API with the Go SDK. Doing subdocument operations is incredibly useful if you’d like to change or access a part of a potentially huge NoSQL document. Subdocument...

Using Couchbase Java SDK to write a Vert.x Verticle

Using Couchbase Java SDK to write a Vert.x Verticle

In this post we’ll go reactive all the way! Some Couchbase customers use Vert.x, a framework for writing fully asynchronous applications, knowing that the Couchbase Java SDK fits well into this picture, being asynchronous from the ground up and exposing...

Introducing Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0: The asynchronous Couchbase .NET Client!

Introducing Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0: The asynchronous Couchbase .NET Client!

At long last the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0 GA is available! This release is a minor release for 2.1.0, but it includes support for the Task Asynchrony Pattern (async and await keywords) and non-blocking IO for all Key/Value operations. In...