Category: Best Practices and Tutorials

Create a Couchbase Server Cluster using Docker

Create a Couchbase Server Cluster using Docker

Docker is all the rage at the moment because of how easy it makes deployment of microservices and other tasks.  Did you know that you can use Docker to install and configure Couchbase? Check out the following video to see...

Using Covering Indexes on a Multiple Document Type Bucket

Using Covering Indexes on a Multiple Document Type Bucket

I was recently working on a project that made use of N1QL for querying Couchbase Server data. This was an internal Java application that I was hosting on a low budget Amazon EC2 instance. My problem here is that my...

Couchbase will be at Apps World North America 2016

Couchbase will be at Apps World North America 2016

I wanted to let everyone know that I will be at Apps World North America at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California on May 11th to give a very developer oriented talk about Couchbase Mobile. In case you’re unfamiliar...

Getting Started with Ratpack and Couchbase

Getting Started with Ratpack and Couchbase

I recently started playing with Ratpack.   It's a set of Java libraries for buiding modern HTTP applications. To go beyond that simple definition, Ratpack is non-blocking, asynchronous and netty-based. A bit like our Java SDK. So it comes as...

Embed Couchbase in an IoT Project for Data Synchronization

Embed Couchbase in an IoT Project for Data Synchronization

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming all the rage lately. Being able to craft any mechanical device, for example watches, televisions, thermostats, and have them communicate over the internet is the modern age. In this modern age, one thing...

Storing, Indexing and Searching files with Couchbase and Spring Boot

Storing, Indexing and Searching files with Couchbase and Spring Boot

I have been wanting to showcase most of the new Couchbase’s search features available in 4.5 in one simple project. And there have been some interest recently about storing files or binaries in Couchbase. From a general, generic perspective, databases...

Couchase ASP.NET Integration Beta 3 released!

Couchase ASP.NET Integration Beta 3 released!

Today we pushed Beta 3 of the Couchbase ASP.NET Integration packages to NuGet! Formally known as Couchbase Caching and Session providers, this project contains or will contain implementations of various API’s (Caching/Session providers, Identity, etc) for integration between Couchbase Server...

Getting Started with Couchbase and Spark on Apache Zeppelin

Getting Started with Couchbase and Spark on Apache Zeppelin

While I was at JDays in Göteborg, I attended a presentation about Apache Zeppelin. It’s a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. It already supports many interpreters like Spark, Markdown, Angular, Elastic and more. It really is well integrated...

Couchbase is Going to Droidcon San Francisco 2016

Couchbase is Going to Droidcon San Francisco 2016

Next week, March 17 and 18, a few Couchbase Mobile Engineers and myself will be at Droidcon in San Francisco, California. If you’re new to Droidcon, it is an excellent developer focused mobile conference specific to Android. You’ll learn from...

Couchbase Mobile at O’Reilly Fluent Conference 2016

Couchbase Mobile at O’Reilly Fluent Conference 2016

Tomorrow, March 8, 2016, I will be at O’Reilly Fluent 2016 in San Francisco representing Couchbase. I have a very special workshop and presentation that I’ll be giving that is on the topic of building a mobile application that synchronizes...

Moving from MongoDB to Couchbase Server

Moving from MongoDB to Couchbase Server

Moving from MongoDB to Couchbase server This is a developer-focused guide to moving your application’s data store from MongoDB to Couchbase Server, following on from Laurent’s guide to making the move from PostgreSQL. While it doesn’t cover every corner-case, it...

Getting started with Kafka and Couchbase as an endpoint

Getting started with Kafka and Couchbase as an endpoint

Couchbase is great as a source for Apache Kafka using the DCP connector. However it is also great as an endpoint for digesting data, as it is fast, memory first and reliable storage. In this blog post I will show...