Month: September 2017

Using Couchbase on AWS from Kubernetes Microservices

Using Couchbase on AWS from Kubernetes Microservices

Brant Burnett is a Couchbase Expert, systems architect, and .NET developer experienced in desktop and web full-stack development. For the last 12 years he has been working with CenterEdge Software, a family entertainment software company based in Roxboro, NC. Brant is experienced...

Oracle Date Format: N1QL and Support for Date-Time Functions

Oracle Date Format: N1QL and Support for Date-Time Functions

Date and Time functions and formats can vary for different databases. In this article, we shall compare Couchbase ISO-based Date-Time functions with Oracle Date format. Date formats vary between relational and NoSQL database due to the nature of NoSQL JSON...

Couchbase Product Marketing September 22, 2017
Blazing Fast Index Performance with Plasma

Blazing Fast Index Performance with Plasma

In the earlier post, we got an opportunity to introduce Plasma as the new performant storage engine that powers Global Secondary Indexes in Couchbase 5.0(beta out!). We saw some of the features of Plasma and how it is designed with...

Gear up with N1QL to the era of Engagement Databases

Gear up with N1QL to the era of Engagement Databases

Couchbase Engagement Database Platform Woo-Hoo!!! Have you heard of Engagement Databases? I am sure, “No”, not until Couchbase announced it with 5.0 release. In today’s digital economy, success of a business is dependent on its ability to leverage successful digital...

Distributed session management with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase

Distributed session management with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase

Distributed session is a way for you to store your session state outside of your ASP.NET Core application. Using Couchbase to store session state can help you when you need to scale your web site, especially if you don’t want...

Matthew Groves September 20, 2017
Join Couchbase Community Experts and Champions at Connect Europe

Join Couchbase Community Experts and Champions at Connect Europe

Attending Connect Europe is a great way to hear new product announcements and ask your questions directly to the experts behind the Couchbase Data Platform! This is also a great way to network and engage with Couchbase engineers and the...

Azure Functions and Lazy Initialization with Couchbase Server

Azure Functions and Lazy Initialization with Couchbase Server

Azure Functions are still new to me, and I’m learning as I’m going. I blogged about my foray into Azure Functions with Couchbase over a month ago. Right after I posted that, I got some helpful feedback about the way...

Matthew Groves September 15, 2017
Powershell with the Couchbase REST API

Powershell with the Couchbase REST API

PowerShell is a scripting environment / command line that comes with Windows and is also available for Linux and within Azure. Maybe you’ve used Postman or Fiddler to make HTTP requests. Those are great, but not necessarily the right tools...

Matthew Groves September 14, 2017
Pagination in Couchbase Server with N1QL and PHP

Pagination in Couchbase Server with N1QL and PHP

Onwuka Gideon is a freelance full stack developer with years of experience designing and coding web applications and solving complex problems. He loves security, writing, and discussing new technology. When building applications that deal with a large number of documents,...

Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang

Asynchronously Perform Subdocument Mutations in Couchbase with Golang

Not too long ago I had written about using the Couchbase Server subdocument API with the Go SDK. Doing subdocument operations is incredibly useful if you’d like to change or access a part of a potentially huge NoSQL document. Subdocument...

Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase

Dependency Injection with ASP.NET Core and Couchbase

Dependency Injection is a design pattern that makes coding easier. It saves you the hassle of instantiating objects with complex dependencies, and it makes it easier for you to write tests. With the Couchbase.Extensions.DependencyInjection library (GitHub), you can use Couchbase...

Matthew Groves September 8, 2017
Learn N1QL in 10 Minutes: An Interactive Online Tutorial

Learn N1QL in 10 Minutes: An Interactive Online Tutorial

N1QL is SQL for JSON. The goal of N1QL is to give developers and enterprises an expressive, powerful, and complete language for querying, transforming, and manipulating JSON data. The goal of N1QL is to give developers and enterprises an expressive,...

Keshav Murthy September 7, 2017