Tag: NHibernate

NDP Episode #24: Brant Burnett on Linq

NDP Episode #24: Brant Burnett on Linq

Linq is the focus of the latest episode of The NoSQL Database Podcast. Brant Burnett joins as the special guest to talk about all things Linq and Linq with NoSQL. I’m also joined by special co-host Jeff Morris, an engineer...

Matthew Groves October 12, 2018
Moving from SQL Server to Couchbase Part 1: Data Modeling

Moving from SQL Server to Couchbase Part 1: Data Modeling

In this series of blog posts, I’m going to lay out the considerations when moving to a document database when you have a relational background. Specifically, Microsoft SQL Server as compared to Couchbase Server. In three parts, I’m going to...

Matthew Groves February 3, 2017