Tag: netlify

Introducing Couchbase Capella iQ and Capella’s Newest Capabilities

Introducing Couchbase Capella iQ and Capella’s Newest Capabilities

Introducing Capella iQ, a Generative AI-powered Coding Assistant Couchbase has introduced Capella iQ, a Generative AI-powered developer’s coding assistant built into the Capella Workbench. Capella iQ is designed to dramatically improve developer productivity by enabling conversations that help with writing...

Couchbase Product Marketing August 30, 2023
Build a Survey App with Netlify and Couchbase

Build a Survey App with Netlify and Couchbase

The Couchbase DevRel team has been working with the Bad Website Club on freeCodeCamp materials.  freeCodeCamp is a non-profit organization that consists of an interactive learning web platform, an online community forum, chat rooms, online publications and local organizations that...

Netlify Teams Up with Couchbase Capella: Enabling Scalable Web Applications

Netlify Teams Up with Couchbase Capella: Enabling Scalable Web Applications

Great news for developers and web development teams: Netlify has recently introduced a new integration with Couchbase Capella, aimed at making web application development more efficient. This new integration brings together the popular cloud deployment platform of Netlify and the...

Matthew Groves June 9, 2023