Tag: .NET

The Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.4 is now Available!

The Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.4 is now Available!

  Today we are releasing version 2.1.4 of the Couchbase .NET SDK. This release focuses on bug fixes and other improvements; however, 2.2.0 which will be released early this fall will provide full support for Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) and N1QL...

Introducing Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0: The asynchronous Couchbase .NET Client!

Introducing Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0: The asynchronous Couchbase .NET Client!

At long last the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.1.0 GA is available! This release is a minor release for 2.1.0, but it includes support for the Task Asynchrony Pattern (async and await keywords) and non-blocking IO for all Key/Value operations. In...

Preview N1QL DP4 Support for the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0!

Preview N1QL DP4 Support for the Couchbase .NET SDK 2.0!

Yesterday, the query team here at Couchbase released the long-awaited N1QL Developer Preview 4! If you haven’t heard of N1QL, it’s an all new SQL-like query language that Couchbase is developing for querying non-relational data-stores like Couchbase. The goal is...