Category: Uncategorized

Using C# Domain Objects to Define Couchbase Views

Using C# Domain Objects to Define Couchbase Views

The Couchbase Client Library 1.2-Beta includes a new API for some basic cluster management.  There are methods for creating, removing and listing buckets.  There are similar methods for managing design documents.  These new features are found in the new class...

Using Couchbase Lite from RubyMotion

Using Couchbase Lite from RubyMotion

Couchbase Lite has been released for sometime now, so I thought it was time to give an update on using CouchbaseLite from RubyMotion. When I ported ToDoLite-iOS to RubyMotion originally there where some bumps in the road, but it worked...

Philipp Fehre December 16, 2014
Using Couchbase Ruby Gem with EventMachine

Using Couchbase Ruby Gem with EventMachine

As you may have noticed the new couchbase ruby gem has been released recently. The release 1.2.2 is mostly a maintenance release with several bug fixes, but yet you can try one new experimental feature: integration with EventMachine library. This...

Using Map and Reduce View for Ranking

Using Map and Reduce View for Ranking

Starting from version 2.0, Couchbase server offers a powerful way of creating indexes for JSON documents through the concept of views. Using views, it is possible to define primary indexes, composite indexes and aggregations allowing to: . query documents on...

Alexis Roos December 16, 2014
Using nginx & PHP-FPM with Couchbase – The How, and the Why

Using nginx & PHP-FPM with Couchbase – The How, and the Why

Before we get started, I’d like to point you a blog by my colleague Michael Nitschinger, in which you can learn about the best way to set up your basic PHP and Couchbase Environment, if not using nginx & PHP-FPM:

The Couchbase Team December 16, 2014
Want to add a twitter tag cloud to your website?  It is easy with Couchbase Server!

Want to add a twitter tag cloud to your website? It is easy with Couchbase Server!

I’ve always been curious to learn what folks say about a new technology. Twitter is an excellent hub for this kind of information, but what are the important topics related to a new technology (say ‘NoSQL’) on Twitter? A tag-cloud...

Want to get rid of documents with duplicate content?

Want to get rid of documents with duplicate content?

Whether you’re combining data from two different data sources, have multiple purchases from the same customer or just entered the same data in a web form twice, it seems like everyone faces the problem of duplicate data at one point...

Want to know what your memcached servers are doing? Tap them.

Want to know what your memcached servers are doing? Tap them.

It is possible to dump parts of the cache by using “stats dump …” to get some of the keys in the cache (and then you can go ahead and fetch each value). Here is an example on how to...

Welcome Jens Alfke!

Welcome Jens Alfke!

We are pleased to announce a new key member of the Mobile Couchbase team. Jens Alfke is a top notch dog in Cocoa development. He wrote the wiki page on Signed Documents back in the day, and before that he...

What Exactly Is Membase?

What Exactly Is Membase?

It has been just over a couple of weeks since the launch of, along with NorthScale’s partners at Zynga and NHN.  In that time, we’ve been steadily increasing the postings on the wiki and responding to questions on the...

What We’re Doing in Memcached

What We’re Doing in Memcached

We’ve been steadily hacking on memcached. We think it’s going very well, but we do want to make sure everybody who cares has the opportunity to see what’s going on behind the proverbial curtain. The basic theme is to build...

What’s up with the Python Couchbase SDK

What’s up with the Python Couchbase SDK

Recently, there have been a few new versions of the Couchbase Python client available. It features a new API that is easier to use. As the SDK is now based on libcouchbase, it is also much faster. It’s also compatible with...