Category: Couchbase Server

Couchbase @ DevoxxFR 2016

Couchbase @ DevoxxFR 2016

tl;dr Couchbase is sponsoring DevoxxFR. Pay us a visit if you're around!   As a Devoxx champion I am really happy to tell you Couchbase is sponsoring DevoxxFR 2016! Join us at our booth to talk about all things Couchbase....

Use Couchbase and RxJava to Make Java Read CSV files

Use Couchbase and RxJava to Make Java Read CSV files

RxJava is an awesome tool for reactive programming that’s also useful as a Java CSV reader. In case you’ve never used or even heard of RxJava, it is a a way of programming with asynchronous data streams. It is also...

Moving from MySQL to Couchbase

Moving from MySQL to Couchbase

I think it is safe to assume that every developer or system administrator has touched MySQL at some point in time. It was often the rite of passage for any new developer a few years ago when langauges like PHP...

Couchbase Support With Tesora Database as a Service Platform on OpenStack Trove

Couchbase Support With Tesora Database as a Service Platform on OpenStack Trove

This is a guest blog by Amrith Kumar.  Amrith is co-founder of Tesora, and the Project Technical Lead (PTL) for the OpenStack Trove project. Amrith brings more than two decades of experience delivering industry-leading products for companies specializing in enterprise...

The Couchbase Team April 10, 2016
Using JRebel for Rapid Re-Deployment in a Couchbase Java SDK Project

Using JRebel for Rapid Re-Deployment in a Couchbase Java SDK Project

It is no secret that Java projects take a long time to build. This long build time is variable depending on how many classes your project has among other things. Let's say you're a developer that likes to frequently check...

NDP Episode #3: Switching from a Relational Database to NoSQL

NDP Episode #3: Switching from a Relational Database to NoSQL

I am pleased to announce that the third episode of The NoSQL Database Podcast sponsored by Couchbase, has now been published. The episode is titled Switching from a Relational Database to NoSQL and focuses on a particular users story pertaining...

Load CSV Data into Couchbase using Apache Spark

Load CSV Data into Couchbase using Apache Spark

I’ve been spending a lot of time working with Big Data tools lately, in particular Apache Spark. In case you’re unfamiliar, Apache Spark is an incredibly efficient tool for processing massive amounts of data. It performs significantly better than MapReduce,...

Picking the right caching tier for your database!

Picking the right caching tier for your database!

Why Do You Need a Caching Tier? For many years databases have been in need of a caching tier and for good reason. Caching tiers are used to lower the latencies under high throughput to cache both reads and writes depending...

Storing Base64 Files Directly in Couchbase via Node.js

Storing Base64 Files Directly in Couchbase via Node.js

So you're developing an application and you want to store your files in Couchbase. As of right now, Couchbase allows for documents up to 20MB in size which is larger than you think. Why would we store our files in...

Official YUM and APT Repos for Couchbase Now Available

Official YUM and APT Repos for Couchbase Now Available

We are super excited to announce that we have created and deployed new yum and apt-get repos for installing Couchbase products. We now provide a single “couchbase-release” package in both RPM and DEB for installing latest versions of – Couchbase...

Create a Zeppelin Interpreter for Couchbase

Create a Zeppelin Interpreter for Couchbase

I have started playing with Zeppelin recently. It's a great web-based notebook that enables real-time analytics. It supports a variety of backends through the concept of interpreters. Zeppelin Interpreter is the plug-in which enable zeppelin user to use a specific...

Getting Started with Couchbase and Spark on Apache Zeppelin

Getting Started with Couchbase and Spark on Apache Zeppelin

While I was at JDays in Göteborg, I attended a presentation about Apache Zeppelin. It’s a web-based notebook that enables interactive data analytics. It already supports many interpreters like Spark, Markdown, Angular, Elastic and more. It really is well integrated...