Month: August 2021

Couchbase Analytics Now Supports Azure Blob Storage Using External Analytics Collections

Couchbase Analytics Now Supports Azure Blob Storage Using External Analytics Collections

You can now analyze even more of your enterprise data using Couchbase Analytics – without having to move or migrate a byte. Starting today, I’m excited to announce the forthcoming support for Microsoft Azure Blob Storage for external Analytics Collections...

Boost Query Efficiency with Cost-Based Optimization in Couchbase

Boost Query Efficiency with Cost-Based Optimization in Couchbase

Database users of every kind have come to expect cost-based optimization for their queries. It’s a standard feature of all traditional relational databases (RDBMS), but there hasn’t yet been a cost-based optimizer (CBO) for NoSQL document databases. That is, until...

Binh Le August 10, 2021
Introducing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Security for Collections in Couchbase 7.0

Introducing Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Security for Collections in Couchbase 7.0

Your data in Couchbase just got more secure. Couchbase Server 7.0 introduced Scopes and Collections to better map between relational and NoSQL data models. But the 7.0 release also includes some additional enhancements to strengthen the security of the data...

Amp Up Your Data Analysis with the New ROLLUP Aggregation in Couchbase Analytics

Amp Up Your Data Analysis with the New ROLLUP Aggregation in Couchbase Analytics

I’m excited to announce two new powerful data analysis capabilities now available as part of Couchbase Analytics: 1) ROLLUP aggregation, and 2) CUBE functionality, both to help you aggregate data across multiple document attributes. The addition of the ROLLUP aggregation...

Idris Motiwala August 4, 2021
How Scopes & Collections Simplify Multi-Tenant App Deployments on Couchbase

How Scopes & Collections Simplify Multi-Tenant App Deployments on Couchbase

Now it’s easier than ever to build and deploy microservices and multi-tenant applications on Couchbase. The 7.0 release introduces a new data organization feature called Scopes and Collections. Scopes and Collections allow logical isolation of different types of data, independent...

Shivani Gupta August 3, 2021
The N1QL Query Language Now Supports Distributed ACID Transactions

The N1QL Query Language Now Supports Distributed ACID Transactions

Multi-document, distributed ACID transactions are now available in Couchbase as part of the N1QL query language. Couchbase introduced ACID transactions in its v6.5 release with the Couchbase SDKs, and this has now been extended to the Couchbase N1QL Query Service...

Binh Le August 2, 2021