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McGraw-Hill Education - Rich, personalized learning experiences for every user

When McGraw-Hill Education (MHE) took its traditional media publishing company into the digital world, it needed to scale to millions of users while supporting open content, third-party metadata, and interactive apps. After studying similar use cases at advertising and social gaming companies, MHE realized that only Couchbase could support the massive scalability and rich, personalized user experiences they wanted to provide. With Couchbase at the core, MHE built a self-adapting learning portal that delivers fast, personalized results for every learner.

About McGraw-Hill Education


    • Needed a highly scalable system to accommodate millions of users and rapidly expanding content
    • Full-text search had to be easily integrated to enable ultra-personalized experiences
    • Needed a flexible data model for a wide variety of content and metadata


    • Couchbase makes unlimited scalability quick, easy, and cost-effective
    • Users can search text, video, images, and metadata for lightning-fast access to personally tailored content
    • A schemaless NoSQL architecture easily incorporates diverse and changing types of data
Couchbase Server provides a flexible data model – including indexing and querying, full-text search integration, and incremental MapReduce – on which we can develop content-rich, highly dynamic interactive applications that will transform how people teach and learn.

Director MHE Labs, McGraw-Hill Education

Maccabai logo Use case

  • Personalization
  • User profile store
  • Content catalog

Maccabai logo Key features

  • Multi-dimensional scaling
  • Cross datacenter replication
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