Tag: graphql

5 Reasons for Developers to Attend Couchbase Connect

5 Reasons for Developers to Attend Couchbase Connect

When it comes to online tech conferences, you’ve got options. Lots of options. If you’re a NoSQL developer, then Couchbase ConnectONLINE 2021 should be at the top of your list. This free two-day conference on 20-21 October 2021 has a...

Eric Bishard September 2, 2021
Fullstack React and GraphQL : Apollo Client

Fullstack React and GraphQL : Apollo Client

The third of three articles focused on building Fullstack React and GraphQL with the Apollo GraphQL Client. Setting up a NoSQL Couchbase Server (Part 1) Building an Express-GraphQL API (Part 2) Create Apollo GraphQL Client in React (Part 3) Final...

Eric Bishard February 28, 2020
Fullstack React and GraphQL : Express Server

Fullstack React and GraphQL : Express Server

The second of three articles focused on building Fullstack React and GraphQL with Express and Couchbase Server. Setting up a NoSQL Couchbase Server (Part 1) Building an Express-GraphQL API (Part 2) Create Apollo GraphQL Client in React (Part 3) Final...

Eric Bishard February 28, 2020
Fullstack React and GraphQL : Couchbase

Fullstack React and GraphQL : Couchbase

First of three articles focused on building Fullstack with React and GraphQL with Express and Couchbase Server. Setting up a NoSQL Couchbase Server (Part 1) Building an Express-GraphQL API (Part 2) Create Apollo GraphQL Client in React (Part 3) Final...

Eric Bishard February 28, 2020
Create a GraphQL-Powered API with PHP and NoSQL

Create a GraphQL-Powered API with PHP and NoSQL

If you’ve been keeping up, you’ll know that I’ve been writing a sort-of mega series around developing with GraphQL and Couchbase. In past tutorials we’ve explored how to use GraphQL with Java, how to use GraphQL with Node.js, and how...

Processing GraphQL Queries with Java, Spring Boot, and NoSQL

Processing GraphQL Queries with Java, Spring Boot, and NoSQL

Over the span of the past few months I’ve been learning about GraphQL and how to use it as an alternative to RESTful API development. The focus thus far had been around GraphQL and Golang as well as GraphQL and...

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Using JWT for Authorization With GraphQL, Go, and Couchbase

Over the past few months I’ve been writing a GraphQL series using the Go programming language. First we saw how to get started with GraphQL and Go, followed by an alternative way to handle data relationships by using resolvers on...

Data Relationships – GraphQL & NoSQL in a Golang Application

Data Relationships – GraphQL & NoSQL in a Golang Application

By now I’m hoping that you’ve had a chance to look at my previous tutorial titled, Using GraphQL with Golang and a NoSQL Database, which is more or less a quick start for using GraphQL with Couchbase. There, we saw how...

Using GraphQL with Golang and a NoSQL Database

Using GraphQL with Golang and a NoSQL Database

A few weeks ago I had mentioned that I was learning about the increasingly popular GraphQL and how it can be a replacement to the common RESTful API. In my previous example, we saw how to create a GraphQL application...

Create a GraphQL Application With Node.js, NoSQL Databases

Create a GraphQL Application With Node.js, NoSQL Databases

I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz around working with GraphQL and NoSQL, internally within Couchbase and externally. Since it sounds like a hot topic, I figured I’d spend some time learning about it to see how it could be...