Category: Best Practices and Tutorials

Getting Started with NoSQL Using Couchbase Server and PHP

Getting Started with NoSQL Using Couchbase Server and PHP

A few days ago I wrote about using PHP with Docker and Couchbase, but I never really got into best practices of going all in with PHP and NoSQL databases. For example, how do you read and write data with...

Deploy a PHP with Couchbase Application as Docker Containers

Deploy a PHP with Couchbase Application as Docker Containers

Earlier in the year I wrote about containerizing applications written in various development technologies that communicate with Couchbase Server. For example, I had written about deploying a Golang application with Docker, a Java application with Docker, and a Node.js application...

Managing Database Sizes in Couchbase Mobile and Conflict Resolution

Managing Database Sizes in Couchbase Mobile and Conflict Resolution

Couchbase Mobile uses a Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) technique for handling conflicts. One of the challenges in a MVCC based system is that over time, a document can grow to have multiple revisions. One can conclude that if all...

Simplify Your NoSQL Cluster by Moving From MongoDB Sharding to Couchbase Containers

Simplify Your NoSQL Cluster by Moving From MongoDB Sharding to Couchbase Containers

When I’m out at events and talking to NoSQL users and advocates, I often hear stories on why people have decided to start using Couchbase after having come from MongoDB.  Take, for example, an interview I did with Tom Coates...

Demystifying Conflict Resolution in Couchbase Mobile

Demystifying Conflict Resolution in Couchbase Mobile

Conflicts can occur in replication environments where a document can be updated concurrently by one or more writers. This is especially common in mobile environments wherein unreliable network connections may result in concurrent changes from multiple devices not being synchronized in...

Synchronizing Images Between Android and iOS with NativeScript, Angular, and Couchbase

Synchronizing Images Between Android and iOS with NativeScript, Angular, and Couchbase

A few weeks ago I had written a guide that demonstrated saving captured images to Couchbase Lite as base64 encoded string data in a NativeScript with Angular mobile application. While the previous guide worked for both Android and iOS, the...

NDP Episode #18: Microsoft DocumentDB for NoSQL in the Cloud

NDP Episode #18: Microsoft DocumentDB for NoSQL in the Cloud

I am pleased to announce that the latest episode of the NoSQL Database Podcast titled, Microsoft DocumentDB for NoSQL in the Cloud, has been published to all the major podcasting networks.  In this episode I am joined by Kirill Gavrylyuk from Microsoft’s...

Data Modeling NoSQL Documents in MongoDB vs Couchbase Server

Data Modeling NoSQL Documents in MongoDB vs Couchbase Server

When I’m out at events, I get a lot of questions regarding the differences between MongoDB and Couchbase Server as they are both in the NoSQL space and are both document databases. One particular question is related to data modeling....

Containerize a Node.js Application that Communicates with Couchbase Server

Containerize a Node.js Application that Communicates with Couchbase Server

Last month I had written a tutorial on the subject of containerizing a web application that talks to Couchbase Server.  This tutorial called, Deploy a Node.js with Couchbase Web Application as Docker Containers, helped you containerize a Node.js application, but this...

Data Sharing with Couchbase Lite between iOS Apps and App Extensions

Data Sharing with Couchbase Lite between iOS Apps and App Extensions

This post discusses how to use Couchbase Lite as an embedded database to share data between your iOS App and iOS App Extension.  App Extensions implement a specific task or functionality that can be exposed to other apps on the device...

Sample Application with Spring and Angular: GitTalent

Sample Application with Spring and Angular: GitTalent

One of the first big projects I was involved in after I started at Couchbase last year was helping to create a sample application that would be demonstrated at Couchbase Connect. Sample application It was an enormous team effort to...

Matthew Groves May 3, 2017
Deploy a Golang Web Application and Couchbase as Docker Containers

Deploy a Golang Web Application and Couchbase as Docker Containers

In my development series regarding Docker containers for the web application developer, I had already gone over deploying Java and Node.js applications as containers alongside Couchbase Server Containers.  This time around I thought it would be cool to deploy a...