Category: Couchbase Server

Video Tutorial for Creating a URL Shortener with Node.js and N1QL

Video Tutorial for Creating a URL Shortener with Node.js and N1QL

Not too long ago I wrote a lengthy tutorial on how to use Node.js and Couchbase to create a URL shortener.  This tutorial used N1QL for querying the data.  To compliment that writeup I’ve gone ahead and created a video...

Using PouchDB and Couchbase NoSQL in Your Node.js Web Application

Using PouchDB and Couchbase NoSQL in Your Node.js Web Application

One of my preferred technologies for developing web applications is Node.js. I do a lot of JavaScript development, so it is another piece to fit in my development puzzle. Not too long ago I wrote a guide for using Couchbase...

Kubernetes Monitoring with Heapster, InfluxDB and Grafana

Kubernetes Monitoring with Heapster, InfluxDB and Grafana

Kubernetes provides detailed insights about resource usage in the cluster. This is enabled by using Heapster, cAdvisor, InfluxDB and Grafana. Heapster is installed as a cluster-wide pod. It gathers monitoring and events data for all pods on each node by talking to the Kubelet. Kubelet...

Serverless FaaS With AWS Lambda and Java

Serverless FaaS With AWS Lambda and Java

What is a Serverless Architecture? Serverless architecture runs custom code in ephemeral containers that are fully managed by a 3rd party. The custom code is typically a small part of a complete application. It is also called as function. This gives another name...

Multimaster Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon Using Kops

Multimaster Kubernetes Cluster on Amazon Using Kops

Getting Started with Kubernetes 1.4 using Spring Boot and Couchbase explains how to get started with Kubernetes  1.4 on Amazon Web Services. A Couchbase service is created in the cluster and a Spring Boot application stores a JSON document in the database. It uses...

Docker for AWS – Getting Started Video

Docker for AWS – Getting Started Video

Want to create a highly-available Docker cluster on Amazon Web Services? Run multi-container applications on it using Docker Services? Docker for AWS allows you to exactly do that! This video shows: Create a highly-available Docker cluster on Amazon Web Services (0:00) Check configuration (5:43) Use...

Couchbase Cluster on Mesos with DC/OS

Couchbase Cluster on Mesos with DC/OS

Apache Mesos is an open source cluster manager developed at UC Berkeley. It provides resource isolation and sharing across distributed applications. Mesos consists of a master daemon that manages slave daemons running on each cluster node.Mesos frameworks are applications that runs on...

Windows Server 2016 Using VirtualBox – Getting Ready for Docker

Windows Server 2016 Using VirtualBox – Getting Ready for Docker

Windows  Server 2016 was announced a few weeks ago. I recommend you download the Windows 2016 Server Evaluation version. This blog is the first part of a multi-part series. The first part will show how to install Windows Server 2016...

Persisting Couchbase Data Across Container Restarts

Persisting Couchbase Data Across Container Restarts

Best Practices for Virtualized Platforms provide best practices for running Couchbase on a virtualized platform like Amazon Web Services and Azure. In addition, it also provide some recommendations for running it as Docker container. One of the recommendations is to map Couchbase...

Docker Service and Swarm Mode to Create Couchbase Cluster

Docker Service and Swarm Mode to Create Couchbase Cluster

Docker 1.12 introduced Services. A replicated, distributed and load balanced service can be easily created using docker service create command. A “desired state” of the application, such as run 3 containers of Couchbase, is provided and the self-healing Docker engine ensures...

Deployment Pipeline using Docker, Jenkins, Java and Couchbase

Deployment Pipeline using Docker, Jenkins, Java and Couchbase

This blog explains how to create a Deployment Pipeline using Jenkins and Docker for a Java application talking to a database. Jenkins support the creation of pipelines. They are built with simple text scripts that use a Pipeline DSL (domain-specific language) based...

Getting Started with Kubernetes 1.4 using Spring Boot and Couchbase

Getting Started with Kubernetes 1.4 using Spring Boot and Couchbase

Kubernetes 1.4 was released earlier this week. Read the blog announcement and CHANGELOG. There are quite a few new features in this release but the key ones that I’m excited about are: Install Kubernetes using kubeadm command. This is in addition to...