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Couchbase Capella: How to Quickly Access JSON Docs With SQL… and Much More

The flexibility of JSON makes it ideal for building modern applications with NoSQL – but most NoSQL databases provide little or no support for the simple and powerful SQL you already know. In this webinar, we’ll show you how Couchbase fuses the best of NoSQL and SQL in a single database so you can build modern applications faster, easier, and more affordably using JSON documents.

ADTmag: Graduating from Relational to NoSQL: Better, Faster Apps from Edge to Cloud

Relational databases were designed in a bygone era, and intended to be deployed on a single box with a small number of users. They are inflexible and expensive to maintain – in short, ill suited to today’s business needs.

Modern databases need to support rapid change, agile development, microservices and cloud deployment, while scaling to millions of users.

Couchbase is the modern database for enterprise applications. Our distributed NoSQL cloud database helps customers gain development flexibility, achieve the highest performance and availability, and deliver incredible mobile experiences – all while driving down the total cost of ownership.

  • Develop faster with SQL for JSON queries, plus built in capabilities for caching, key-value, full text search, relational and real-time analytics.
  • Deploy everywhere from edge to cloud – your apps are always on
    Perform optimally at scale with our memory-first architecture for millisecond responses.

Oracles – They’re Ancient History: How to Modernize Your Database With the Strengths of Relational

It’s written in the stars – traditional relational databases like Oracle are a thing of the past, lacking the high performance, flexibility, and scalability that modern applications need. But for many of our customers, we know it can be a challenge to seamlessly make the switch to a modern database. That’s why our engineers have fused the best of both worlds in our latest release, combining the advantages of NoSQL with the strengths of a relational database. Join this webinar to learn how we provide innovative ACID transaction support in our SQL query language. And see how we’ve made it easy to map Couchbase structures directly from your Oracle schema.

Be a DBaaS Badass – How to Maximize Performance and Productivity in the Cloud

Are you looking for a way to reduce the time, effort, and cost it takes to build, deploy, and manage your applications in the cloud? A Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) can enable faster time to value for your applications by improving standardization, security, and developer productivity. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to quickly set up a NoSQL DBaaS and use it to build powerful applications.

Five Data-Delivery Requirements That Will Save Telecommunications

Telecommunications organizations are the backbone of the fourth industrial revolution taking place today. As the worlds’ user communities become more decentralized, they are increasing their dependence on network infrastructures and services at rates unimaginable 18 months ago. This is stressing both operational and business support systems. This webinar will illustrate five key considerations that Telcos must recognize as they work to evolve their businesses, including:

  • Improving user experiences
  • Capitalizing on 5G
  • Maintaining service reliability
  • Drawing from institutional history
  • Adopting modern cloud development practices