Events Category: Event Type

How to Optimize Application Performance and Lower TCO With a NoSQL DBaaS

A lot of customers come to Couchbase to replace outdated relational databases that were driving up their costs by dragging down the performance, flexibility, and scalability of their applications. We hear similar complaints about high costs from businesses that moved to NoSQL for flexibility, but ended up with a database that didn’t scale well. After switching to Couchbase, both types of customers commonly report that they’re able to lower their total cost of ownership (TCO) by over 50%. In this webcast, you’ll hear the story of five of these customers and learn how Couchbase’s NoSQL database enables them to:

• Consolidate their data technologies to a single database to save money
• Drive down operations per dollar with superior scaling and performance
• Use the flexibility of JSON to accelerate modernization and time to market
• Reduce the efforts and costs of their operations

Data Day México

Data Day es la principal conferencia para profesionales de datos en América Latina. Presenta ejemplos reales y concretos de ciencia de datos para que los participantes obtengan valiosos planes de acción que pueden aplicar en su organización.

Couchbase lo invita al Data Day México que se llevará a cabo el 25 de abril. En este evento conoceremos la revolucionaria arquitectura de esta plataforma que garantiza una baja latencia, capacidad de manejar grandes cantidades de usuarios simultáneos y datos con disponibilidad del 100% en cualquier lugar del planeta.

Capella Workshop – English Speaking

Join our Couchbase Capella™ Workshop on Tuesday, August 8. This FREE event features a combination of technical presentations and hands-on labs designed to help you get the most out of our fully managed NoSQL Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). We’ll show you how to quickly set up a Couchbase Capella trial and begin interacting with data in multiple ways.

Capella Workshop – English Speaking

Join our Couchbase Capella™ Workshop on Tuesday, July 11. This FREE event features a combination of technical presentations and hands-on labs designed to help you get the most out of our fully managed NoSQL Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). We’ll show you how to quickly set up a Couchbase Capella trial and begin interacting with data in multiple ways.

Capella Workshop – English Speaking

Join our Couchbase Capella™ Workshop on Tuesday, June 13. This FREE event features a combination of technical presentations and hands-on labs designed to help you get the most out of our fully managed NoSQL Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). We’ll show you how to quickly set up a Couchbase Capella trial and begin interacting with data in multiple ways.

Capella Workshop – English Speaking

Join our Couchbase Capella™ Workshop on Tuesday, May 9. This FREE event features a combination of technical presentations and hands-on labs designed to help you get the most out of our fully managed NoSQL Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). We’ll show you how to quickly set up a Couchbase Capella trial and begin interacting with data in multiple ways.

Retail Days 2023 Istanbul

Join Couchbase at Retail Days 2023 at the Halic Congress Centre in Istanbul! Retail Days has been one of the most distinguished technology conferences in the global retail space since 2001. This exhibition, awards ceremony, and conference brings together key decision makers within the international retail and digital commerce industry for two days to explore new business relations and networking opportunities.

hayaData Conference Israel

Join Couchbase at hayaData in Tel Aviv! The hayaData conference is a not-for-profit event built for the data engineering, data science, BI, and data analytics communities. It is the place to hear insights from leading speakers, learn about the newest industry tools, and get best practices for working with big data.

Cut Database TCO 50% With Couchbase: 5 Customer Stories

A lot of customers come to Couchbase to replace outdated relational databases that were driving up their costs by dragging down the performance, flexibility, and scalability of their applications. We hear similar complaints about high costs from businesses that moved to NoSQL for flexibility, but ended up with a database that didn’t scale well. After switching to Couchbase, both types of customers commonly report that they’re able to lower their total cost of ownership (TCO) by over 50%. In this webcast, you’ll hear the story of five of these customers and learn how Couchbase’s NoSQL database enables them to:

• Consolidate their data technologies to a single database to save money
• Drive down operations per dollar with superior scaling and performance
• Use the flexibility of JSON to accelerate modernization and time to market
• Reduce the efforts and costs of their operations

How to Use SQL++ to Fuse the Power of Relational and the Flexibility of JSON

Want all the flexibility benefits of JSON without giving up the familiarity of SQL? In this webcast, we’ll show you how to get the best of both technologies using a single database. You’ll learn why SQL++ has become the de facto standard for applying SQL to JSON data. You’ll see how SQL is increasingly used by top NoSQL databases on Azure and AWS.

Couchbase Capella Workshop

Are you looking for a DBaaS you don’t have to battle with? If so, join us at our upcoming virtual Couchbase Capella™ workshop. Capella is our fully managed DBaaS – designed to reduce costs and admin overhead. The workshop is free, of course, and in addition to giving you the full rundown of the kinds of things you can accomplish with Capella, it’ll give you a chance to chat one-on-one with Couchbase experts. Sign up now to save your spot, get your database modernization questions answered, and maybe even win a prize!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build solutions faster with the developer-friendly Capella UI
  • Leverage your SQL skills to query and analyze JSON data in Capella
  • Use our powerful full-text search capabilities for autocomplete and text analytics
  • Access Couchbase Playground and pre-written code examples
  • Use our SDKs to connect to and interact with Capella

Couchbase Capella Workshop

Are you looking for a DBaaS you don’t have to battle with? If so, join us at our upcoming virtual Couchbase Capella™ workshop. Capella is our fully managed DBaaS – designed to reduce costs and admin overhead. The workshop is free, of course, and in addition to giving you the full rundown of the kinds of things you can accomplish with Capella, it’ll give you a chance to chat one-on-one with Couchbase experts. Sign up now to save your spot, get your database modernization questions answered, and maybe even win a prize!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Build solutions faster with the developer-friendly Capella UI
  • Leverage your SQL skills to query and analyze JSON data in Capella
  • Use our powerful full-text search capabilities for autocomplete and text analytics
  • Access Couchbase Playground and pre-written code examples
  • Use our SDKs to connect to and interact with Capella

Taller Couchbase Capella™

Tene Tenemos el placer de invitarlo al Taller Couchbase Capella™. Este evento gratuito es una combinación de presentaciones técnicas y laboratorios, diseñado para ayudar a entender todas las capacidades ofrecidas por nuestra oferta NoSQL auto administrada (Database-as-a-Service). Mostraremos lo rápido y fácil que es crear un clúster en Couchbase Capella. También podrán interactuar con el clúster de diferentes maneras. En el taller aprenderán a:

  • Navegar eficientemente dentro de la interfaz de Couchbase Capella
  • Escribir queries en SQL++, nuestro lenguaje de SQL para JSON
  • Definir índices en nuestro motor de búsqueda (Full-Text Search)
  • Conectar Capella a nuestra herramienta de pruebas del SDK, Couchbase.Live playground

Además, tendremos una rifa al final del evento.

The Right Stuff for Really Remote Edge Computing

There’s a growing class of apps that require uninterrupted uptime and real-time speed for critical edge use cases like field service, emergency response, and energy exploration. Because of their stringent requirements, these apps can’t operate across huge swaths of the globe that have little or no internet service. In this webinar, we’ll show you how Couchbase has addressed this problem by creating an application architecture that guarantees low latency and 100% uptime anywhere on the planet with or without the internet.

You’ll learn:

  • How we created our ASC stack by combining AWS Snowball for infrastructure, SpaceX Starlink for networking, and Couchbase Capella™ for data processing
  • How the ASC stack works to guarantee speed, uptime, and efficient bandwidth use in internet dead zones
  • How we tested the architecture for latency and bandwidth usage, and our amazing results
  • How ASC works for really remote edge use cases in the wilderness, underground, in the air, and at sea