Upgrading Couchbase lite from 1.x to 3.x


I am updating Couchbase Lite 1.x version to Couchbase Lite 3.x version in iOS Objective C.

I am having Couchbase Lite 1.x code written in programming language Objective -C.

Can any one tell me what will be the equivalent query of below code in CBLite 3.x


CBLView *o_view=[o_db viewNamed:@“answerListing”];
[o_view setMapBlock: MAPBLOCK({
if ([doc[@“sys_type”] isEqualToString:kNewAnswerTableType]) {
}) reduceBlock:nil version: @“1.0”];

CBLQuery *o_query = [o_view createQuery];


CBLView *view = [o_db viewNamed: @“userAnswerListingEref”];
[o_view setMapBlock: MAPBLOCK({
if ([doc[@“sys_type”] isEqualToString:kNewAnswerTableType]) {
emit(@[ doc[@“eRef”], doc[@“clientID”]], doc);
}) reduceBlock:nil version: @“1.0”];

CBLQuery *o_query = [o_view createQuery];

Instead of trying to compare to an ancient version of the library, perhaps you could express what you are attempting to do instead. Map/reduce was replaced in 2.0 with SQL++ for querying (note: be sure to keep in mind the mobile specific limitations and differences)