Spring boot Query node health (issue?)

Hi, I am asking here as seems as better place to ask given that issue is about
Spring’s health check/indicator for Couchbase.

As far as I could see, they implemented health check in accordance with what
Couchbase docs say about checking of health of the cluster from the Java Client standpoint.

Now, not always but let’s say now and then, health check for Couchbase cluster returns
“DEGRADED” what in the end from Spring’s side means “down” given that only “ONLINE”
yields “up”.

Does this sounds familiar to anyone and could shed some light what could be checked
on client or server side (e.g. Query node is one which is “connecting”) to remedy this thing.
The point is that from Couchbase side according to our admin there is nothing wrong,
and we haven’t noticed significant issues with CRUD operations but nevertheless,
we’d like to nail down to root cause of issue.

Here is what cluster health returns:

detailedError = {
    sdk = java / 3.2 .6(Mac OS X 12.3 .1 x86_64; OpenJDK 64 - Bit Server VM 17.0 .1 + 1),
    endpoints = [{
        lastActivity = Optional.empty,
        id = Optional.empty,
        state = CONNECTING,
        remote = null,
        type = KV,
        local = null
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional[PT0 .046839 S],
        id = Optional[0xed0213a1],
        state = CONNECTED,
        remote = vndb - c1 - 01. kcse1.krd.net: 11210,
        type = KV,
        local = 10.88 .54 .0: 50504
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional.empty,
        id = Optional.empty,
        state = CONNECTING,
        remote = null,
        type = KV,
        local = null
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional[PT0 .048753 S],
        id = Optional[0x70fdcec4],
        state = CONNECTED,
        remote = vndb - c1 - 02. kcse1.krd.net: 11210,
        type = KV,
        local = 10.88 .54 .0: 50507
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional.empty,
        id = Optional.empty,
        state = CONNECTING,
        remote = null,
        type = KV,
        local = null
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional[PT0 .041052 S],
        id = Optional[0x76386603],
        state = CONNECTED,
        remote = vndb - c1 - 03. kcse1.krd.net: 11210,
        type = KV,
        local = 10.88 .54 .0: 50505
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional[PT0 .018542 S],
        id = Optional[0xa08d2b57],
        state = CONNECTED,
        remote = vndb - c1 - 02. kcse1.krd.net: 8093,
        type = QUERY,
        local = 10.88 .54 .0: 50511
    }, {
        lastActivity = Optional.empty,
        id = Optional.empty,
        state = CONNECTING,
        remote = null,
        type = QUERY,
        local = null