XDRC is not stable in 5.0

I have 2 clusters, running at difference geo and I setup a XDCR for bi-direction replicate data.
The couchbase version is 5.0 and I noticed that sometimes the “Balance_User” data can’t replicated from one server to the others. (most of time are success). When I look into log file, got this warning:

image2017-11-27T21:57:14.475+07:00 DEBU GOXDCR.XmemNozzle: xmem_d37a8d3e75e6988a7efd1c4af2000437/default/default_125.212.241.147:11210_0 doc Balance_User_609859 failed source side conflict resolution. source meta=[key=Balance_User_609859; revSeq=2;cas=1511794634452500480;flags=33554432;expiry=0;deletion=false:datatype=1], target meta=[key=Balance_User_609859; revSeq=1288;cas=1511788893003644928;flags=33554432;expiry=0;deletion=false:datatype=1]. no need to send

Can you help to explain why data can’t replicate ?

Thank you


In this example looks like the target has a higher REV ,has been update more, then the source.
So the target ignored the data from the source b/c it believe it has the newest one.

Are you using the Community or Enterprise Edition?

I’m using enterprise edition. Are there anyway to change the compare from REV to Timestamp ?

Thank you


You can only set it at the time of bucket creation and both Source & Target Buckets have to have it set to timestamp

Thank you @househippo