Will writing a partial index work for an in [x,y,z] query

I’d like to do a query like this:

select meta().id from bucket where x=1 and y in [a,b,c]

Will a partial index on (x) where y = a or y = b or y = c
support complete pushdown to the indexes?

further, will this work:

index on (x, y asc) where y = a or y = b or y = c

support complete push down on:
select meta().id from bucket where x=1 and y in [a,b,c] order by y asc
offset 10 limit 100

thank you for your help

Partial index on OR not recommended and may work simple cases. In your case you can do this

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON  bucket (x,y) WHERE y IN ["a","b","c"];

    select meta().id 
    from bucket 
    where x=1 and y in ["a","b","c"]
    order by y asc
    offset 10 limit 100;

    select meta().id 
    from bucket 
    where x=1 and y in ["a","b"]
    order by y asc
    offset 10 limit 100;

One easy way to verify these is create empty bucket and change query use that bucket and do EXPLAIN (no data needed for EXPLAIN)

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