Partial index with complex expression for covered queries


I’m trying to create a partial index that would support this query:

select meta().id
	from feedgen
		and f=1466
		and mid=10076
		and ((`lua` is missing) or (`lua` < `luc`))
		where meta().id > '1466:41710848'
	order by f,mid,meta().id
	limit 10

As you can see, everything is simple except the expression with an or :
((`lua` is missing) or (`lua` < `luc`))
In my queries, I don’t care about the values of lua and luc. I only care whether the condition is fullfilled.

I’m testing two options which differ only by the inclusion of lua and luc in the index key.

Option A - fields from the advanced condition are included in the index key:

	ON `feedgen`(`f`,`mid`,(meta().`id`),`lua`,`luc`)
	PARTITION BY hash(`f`)
	WHERE (((`dt` = "f") and (`mid` is valued)) and ((`lua` is missing) or (`lua` < `luc`)))

Option B - field from the advanced condition are not included in the index key:

	ON `feedgen`(`f`,`mid`,(meta().`id`))
	PARTITION BY hash(`f`)
	WHERE (((`dt` = "f") and (`mid` is valued)) and ((`lua` is missing) or (`lua` < `luc`)))

My assumption is that both of these indexes should be able to cover the query. However, that is not the case.
Option A is fine - only IndexScan3 is included in the plan.
Option B is not - besides IndexScan3, there’s a Fetch in the plan, presumably to recheck the condition.
This is the plan:

	  "#operator": "Sequence",
	  "#stats": {
		"#phaseSwitches": 1,
		"execTime": "1.437µs"
	  "~children": [
		  "#operator": "Authorize",
		  "#stats": {
			"#phaseSwitches": 3,
			"execTime": "3.349µs",
			"servTime": "1.132296ms"
		  "privileges": {
			"List": [
				"Target": "default:feedgen",
				"Priv": 7
		  "~child": {
			"#operator": "Sequence",
			"#stats": {
			  "#phaseSwitches": 1,
			  "execTime": "1.914µs"
			"~children": [
				"#operator": "Sequence",
				"#stats": {
				  "#phaseSwitches": 2,
				  "execTime": "91.084µs",
				  "kernTime": "238ns",
				  "state": "running"
				"~children": [
					"#operator": "IndexScan3",
					"#stats": {
					  "#itemsOut": 75,
					  "#phaseSwitches": 303,
					  "execTime": "103.912µs",
					  "kernTime": "15.595µs",
					  "servTime": "1.449862ms"
					"index": "adv2",
					"index_id": "3cb3a481961b609e",
					"index_order": [
						"keypos": 0
						"keypos": 1
						"keypos": 2
					"index_projection": {
					  "primary_key": true
					"keyspace": "feedgen",
					"namespace": "default",
					"spans": [
						"exact": true,
						"range": [
							"high": "1466",
							"inclusion": 3,
							"low": "1466"
							"high": "10076",
							"inclusion": 3,
							"low": "10076"
							"inclusion": 0,
							"low": "\"1466:41710848\""
					"using": "gsi",
					"#time_normal": "00:00.001",
					"#time_absolute": 0.001553774
					"#operator": "Fetch",
					"#stats": {
					  "#itemsIn": 33,
					  "#itemsOut": 16,
					  "#phaseSwitches": 106,
					  "execTime": "168.423µs",
					  "kernTime": "1.556676ms",
					  "servTime": "1.245337ms"
					"keyspace": "feedgen",
					"namespace": "default",
					"#time_normal": "00:00.001",
					"#time_absolute": 0.00141376
					"#operator": "Sequence",
					"#stats": {
					  "#phaseSwitches": 2,
					  "execTime": "207.761µs",
					  "kernTime": "127ns",
					  "state": "running"
					"~children": [
						"#operator": "Filter",
						"#stats": {
						  "#itemsIn": 12,
						  "#itemsOut": 11,
						  "#phaseSwitches": 51,
						  "execTime": "468.906µs",
						  "kernTime": "2.416957ms"
						"condition": "((((((`feedgen`.`dt`) = \"f\") and ((`feedgen`.`f`) = 1466)) and ((`feedgen`.`mid`) = 10076)) and (((`feedgen`.`lua`) is missing) or ((`feedgen`.`lua`) < (`feedgen`.`luc`)))) and (\"1466:41710848\" < (meta(`feedgen`).`id`)))",
						"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
						"#time_absolute": 0.000468906
						"#operator": "InitialProject",
						"#stats": {
						  "#itemsIn": 11,
						  "#itemsOut": 10,
						  "#phaseSwitches": 35,
						  "execTime": "50.36µs",
						  "kernTime": "2.741915ms"
						"result_terms": [
							"expr": "(meta(`feedgen`).`id`)"
						"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
						"#time_absolute": 0.00005036
						"#operator": "FinalProject",
						"#stats": {
						  "#itemsIn": 10,
						  "#itemsOut": 10,
						  "#phaseSwitches": 24,
						  "execTime": "7.543µs",
						  "kernTime": "80ns"
						"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
						"#time_absolute": 0.0000075430000000000005
					"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
					"#time_absolute": 0.000207761
				"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
				"#time_absolute": 0.000091084
				"#operator": "Limit",
				"#stats": {
				  "#itemsIn": 10,
				  "#itemsOut": 10,
				  "#phaseSwitches": 32,
				  "execTime": "7.848µs",
				  "kernTime": "73.347µs"
				"expr": "10",
				"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
				"#time_absolute": 0.000007848
			"#time_normal": "00:00.000",
			"#time_absolute": 0.000001914
		  "#time_normal": "00:00.001",
		  "#time_absolute": 0.0011356449999999998
		  "#operator": "Stream",
		  "#stats": {
			"#itemsIn": 10,
			"#itemsOut": 10,
			"#phaseSwitches": 23,
			"execTime": "62.535µs",
			"kernTime": "3.976623ms"
		  "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
		  "#time_absolute": 0.000062535
	  "~versions": [
	  "#time_normal": "00:00.000",
	  "#time_absolute": 0.000001437

Is there a potential for improvement in the query planner or am I missing something important?
I’m using version Enterprise Edition 6.6.

Have you tried running your statement through and creating the suggested index(es) ?

It advices to create an index with all the fields included

CREATE INDEX adv_f_mid_dt_lua_luc ON `feedgen`(`f`,`mid`,`dt`,`lua`,`luc`)"

What I need is a partial index, as my condition is very selective.

SELECT meta().id
FROM feedgen
WHERE dt="f" AND IFMISSINGORNULL(lua,false) < luc
      AND f=1466
      AND mid=10076
      meta().id > '1466:41710848'
ORDER BY f, mid,meta().id

CREATE INDEX ix1 ON feedgen(f, mid,META().id) PARTITION BY HASH(f, mid) WHERE dt = "f" AND IFMISSINGORNULL(lua,false) < luc;

If f,mid is not immutable don’t use PARTITION index.
Check it is covered

Thanks @vsr1 vsr1 . With this expression, the index covers my queries.

Out of curiosity, do you know what caused the first expression not to be covered?

If Index WHERE has OR clause to make cover it may need all the fields as part of index keys (As it can’t determine individual expression values to re-apply predicates if indexer returns false positives) (checkout adding dt as leading key in adv index and see if it covers)