When will SyncGateway REST API support SQL queries?

Hello all,

I’m looking at the documentations for Couchbase server and SyncGateway. It appears that the REST API of Couchbase server supports SQL queries since at least 6.6. However, it also appears that the REST API of SyncGateway does not. At best, I see that SyncGateway 3.1 will allow you to get numerous docs via “bulk get” or “all docs” but for these, you can’t add arbitrary search criteria. Am I wrong about this? I’m surprised that Couchbase supports it but SyncGateway does not. Are there plans for changing this or am I just missing it? Thoughts?


Hello @kingDaddy, thank you for reaching out! Could you please help us understand what your use case is? What is the need in your applications for adding arbitrary search criteria?

We do not currently have plans to support more elaborate SQL queries, however, learning about our specific user’s needs helps us consider these enhancements in more detail.

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