Sync Gateway 1.5.1 logs growing indefinitely?

Not sure if this was a known bug, but our Sync Gateway instance on the server (same server as the Couchbase instance) took up a full 60 GB this weekend. I looked into the issue and the sync gateway docker container was 80% of total disk space usage.

I am experimentally upgrading to Sync Gateway 2.5 since it appears to be compatible with our version of Couchbase (5.5.2) which contains bug fixes from 5.5.1 that we had previously encountered.

Is this a known issue? Can I restrict the size of log files?

Looks like this may have actually been the result of the revision count being set to the default of 1000. We need it low for our application. Like 20.

The revision history is needed for conflict resolution (you are probably not enabling delta sync ). If you are working with 2.x Couchbase Lite clients, the system will automatically handle conflicts. Set the allow-conflicts to false . If database size is of concern, with “conflict-free” mode , you can set the revs_limit to a really small value as you don’t need the previous revisions to resolve conflicts.
If you are syncing with 1.x clients , be sure to resolve conflicts . More in this blog