Server Monitoring - how many documents are in data cache?

How can I check the number of documents loaded into the data cache - either / or on the bucket, node or cluster level?

Thank you,
– Alex


This is an area of the documentation we are in the process of updating. Check out the rest endpoint: /pools/default

In particular:

cpu_utilization_rate : 1.030927835051546
swap_total : 1040183296
swap_used : 15114240
mem_total : 1044779008
mem_free : 284712960
cmd_get : 0
couch_docs_actual_disk_size : 85494115
couch_docs_data_size : 85437440
couch_views_actual_disk_size : 9170959
couch_views_data_size : 8969999
curr_items : 115217
curr_items_tot : 115217
ep_bg_fetched : 0
get_hits : 0
mem_used : 78334616
ops : 0
vb_replica_curr_items : 0

Documentation is available in the docs.

Thank you, I also get ep_bg_fetched:0, even though I browsed though view results, etc. Is this a CLI interface issue or I am misinterpreting the this value?
– Alex