Pull purged document to couchbase lite

As I saw, couchbase lite doesn’t support to pull locally purged document if we have already pulled the same document from sync gateway. But as per our requirement we need to download from the server if the document is purged in couchbase lite. Therefore I have used dummy document id(GUID) with the purged document when it is required to pull. Please let me know if there is any other better way to pull purged document. We can’t delete CBL database because of the master data and also we don’t need to update server the document to download purged doc.

			var repl = this.Database.CreatePullReplication(syncGateway);

            repl.Continuous = false;
            repl.Filter = "_doc_ids";            
            repl.FilterParams= new Dictionary<String, Object>() { { "doc_ids", docIdList }};
            repl.ReplicationOptions.MaxOpenHttpConnections = 40;
            repl.ReplicationOptions.Heartbeat = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 25);
            repl.ReplicationOptions.MaxRevsToGetInBulk = 50;
            repl.Changed += OnServerPullReplicationChanged;


I have used new UUID as remote UUID for each pull to avoid above issue.

repl.ReplicationOptions.RemoteUUID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();