Outdated GCP EE template

Hi, I was looking around GCP marketplace because I wanted to try to deploy on EE instance using your provided template ( https://console.cloud.google.com/marketplace/config/couchbase-public/couchbase-enterprise-edition-hourly-pricing ) and I noticed that:

  • The template uses Ubuntu 14.04, which is on its last LTS support year.
  • The template has Couchbase EE 6.0.0 as maximum version, when I guess it should be 6.0.1

Do you have any plans on upgrading this template?
Or, is there any other way to spin up EE instances with an hourly-based (or monthly-based) license like this one?


@cmaster11 we have https://issues.couchbase.com/browse/MB-33411 filed for some minor releases missing on GCP - I will also add a comment to upgrade the template to the latest supported ubuntu - Thanks!

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Thank you for the answer!

Just to understand better the deployment process, in the precise moment Iā€™d target one of your base images marked with the hourly-pricing suffix, I should have an active silver license, right?

Independently on the fact that I use the actual deployment template?


@cmaster11 that change is coming soon and is currently in the pipeline to go live. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will be available by next week (the week after at the latest).